ࡱ> 695 bjbj .xxw D_$ fdffffff$KVZ<( Hdd[a.9^@P0C.CC~8LC : ý Policy on Acceptance of College Credit for Military Training and Education Courses Proposed New ý Policy Consistent with Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.013, Military Veterans and Active Duty, students who are or were members of the United States Armed Forces may earn appropriate academic college credit for college-level training and education acquired in the military. College credit will be granted to students with military training and coursework that is recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE), subject to institution transfer practices and limitations on amount, level, etc., of transfer credit. Military training coursework will be subject to the same treatment as any other transfer credit evaluated, with the utilization of the ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services for determining equivalency and alignment of military coursework with applicable university courses. If the coursework fulfills a general education, or major course, and/or degree requirement, consistent with the college/department policy, the credit will be granted for meeting that requirement towards graduation. Applicable course credit may include free elective course credit towards the degree. Proposed New ý Policy (Without Comments) Consistent with Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.013, Military Veterans and Active Duty, students who are or were members of the United States Armed Forces may earn appropriate academic college credit for college-level training and education acquired in the military. College credit will be granted to students with military training and coursework that is recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE), subject to institution transfer practices and limitations on amount, level, etc., of transfer credit. Military training coursework will be subject to the same treatment as any other transfer credit evaluated, with the utilization of the ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services for determining equivalency and alignment of military coursework with applicable university courses. If the coursework fulfills a general education, major course, and/or degree requirement, consistent with the college/department policy, the credit will be granted for meeting that requirement towards graduation. Applicable course credit may include elective course credit towards the degree. Comma added Comma added Comma added added Added added added Wnob c d f  L M , 7 9 ; > ? 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