ࡱ> ceb bjbjWW .t55m3lI____:>x $AP::__rrr__rrrr_PTr03r2@rr,rr3 : PAD 4810 STAND YOUR GROUND, 3 Credit Hours Course prerequisites, corequisites: No prerequisites or corequisites Course Logics: Term: Fall and Spring semesters Online: For working students working in fire services and emergency without flexible hours Class Location and Time: Boca Raton and Davie campuses, day time for traditional students. Instructor: Khi V. Thai, 202 SOC, T & Th, 21:00 PM-5):00 PM, at 561-297-2330 thai@fau.edu Course Description. The course is designed to present a current, comprehensive overview of Floridas Stand Your Ground Law. The course will ask the question: Do we need the Stand Your Ground Statute? Course objectives/student learning outcomes By the end of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand how the Stand Your Ground statute was created in Florida. 2. Understand the major Florida cases interpreting the Florida SYG statute. 3. Recognize the major terms of SYG and self-defense. 4. Describe and understand Florida Statute 776. 5. Describe how the SYG statute applies to the defense of others 6. Identify how the SYG statute applies to the defense of property. 7. Discuss SYG as it applies to domestic violence and the battered wife syndrome. 8. Identify factors that may lead one to be charged with murder versus justifiable homicide. 9. Discuss whether SYG statutes have increased justifiable homicides in the community. Identify the effect of race and SYG. 10. Discuss the future of the SYG in Florida. Course evaluation method or grading and evaluation This course will combine theoretical and practical aspects of project management, through extensive weekly reading requirements, discussions, and homework assignments. Students are required to read carefully all assignments. Each student has to do homework and submit it a week after the assignment is made, without verbal instructions or reminders. Quality and timely homework are essential. Homework 35 pointsMid-term Exam (Perfect score or maximum points)25 pointsFinal Exam (Perfect score or maximum points)20 pointsParticipation/Attendance (or Blackboard group discussion)20 Grading scale: A = 94-100 points; A- = 90-93 points (Our grading policy does not have A+) B+ = 87-89 points; B = 83-86 points, B- = 80-82 points C+ = 77-79 points; C = 73-76 points; C- 70-72 points D+ = 67-69 points; D = 63-66 points, D- = 60-62 points F=0-59 Policy on makeup tests, late work, and incompletes (if applicable) Homework assignments are posted below for each week. No late homework assignments will be accepted. For an online course, it is mandatory that students have internet connections to be able to access class materials. Therefore, any emails concerning late assignments throughout the semester will be dismissed and a grade of zero (0) will be posted for that particular assignment. Disability policy statement In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodation due to a disability to properly execute course work must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) -- in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, MOD 1 (954-236-1222); in Jupiter, SR 117 (561-799-8585); or at the Treasure Coast, CO 128 (772-873-3305) and follow all OSD procedures. Code of Academic Integrity policy statement Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see the Code of Academic Integrity in the University Regulations at HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf"http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf Required Texts Andrew F. Branca (2013). The Law of Self Defense: The Indispensable Guide for an Armed Citizen (2nd ed.). OpSec Publication. Mitch Vilos and Evan Vilos (2013). Self Defense Laws of All 50 States. Guns West Publishing. Course Topical Outline and Required Readings WeeksTopicsRequired ReadingsWeek 1Introduction: How was the SYG law created in FloridaWeek 2The Judiciary weighs inVelasquez v. State 9 So 3d.(2009); Peterson v. State 983 So. 2d. 27 (2008); Dennis v. Fl. 51 So. 3d. (2010)Week 3Understanding Crucial Terms of SYG and Self DefenseVillos, Chapters 3-4 Branca, Chapter 1 Week 4The Florida SYG statute 776Villos, pp. 105-116; Branca, pp. 122-123Week 5ReasonablenessBranca, Chapter 6; Villos, pp. 14-15Week 6Innocence and ImmenceBranca, Chapters 2-3Week 7Proportionality and AvoidanceBranca, Chapters 4 and 5Week 8Mid Term ExamWeek 9Defense of OthersBranca, Chapter 7Week 10Defense of PropertyBranca, Chapter 8Week 11Domestic Violence and The Battered Wife SyndromeVillos, Chapter 13Week 12Consciousness of guilt and innocence and reputation evidenceBranca, Chapter 9; Villos, Chapter 14Week 13Factors that lead to homicide vs. justifiable homicideBranca, Chapter 10Week 14Racial Issues and SYG; The Future of SYG in Florida Review for final examWeek 15Final Exam  +OoY c 뻮vfffvffffh3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3UOJPJQJ\huOJPJQJh3Uh3U5OJPJQJ\h3Uh3UOJPJQJh3Uh3U5OJPJQJ!h3Uh3UB*OJPJQJph333!h%5B*OJPJQJ\ph333'h3Uh3U5B*OJPJQJ\ph333#+pqX Y  dd1$7$8$H$]^d`gd3U! ,p@ P !$dgd3U$ HP !$d@&a$gd3U$ddd[$\$a$gd3U     % & ( ) 1 2 A B E F K L S T Y Z f g j k r s v w  h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3UOJPJQJh3Uh3UOJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\4 2 - s  & t 0d^`0gd3U! ,p@ P !$dgd3U4d1$7$8$H$]^4gd3Ud1$7$8$H$]^gd3Ud1$7$8$H$]^gd3U       " # , - : ; B C F G N O V W ] ^ e f r s  h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3UOJPJQJh3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\h3Uh3UOJPJQJ\h3Uh3U@OJPJQJ\4        % & 2 3 : ; > ? 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