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Course Objectives: Introduction to field experience in exercise science and health promotion and to apply knowledge and skill obtained in core course work in an exercise setting and to become familiar with the operational and procedural aspects of a clinically-based exercise facility. Specific Objectives: As a result of this class, you will be able to: Demonstrate appropriate emergency procedures in an exercise environment. Conduct stretching and toning exercises for older populations. Develop short oral presentations for the public on a variety of health-related fitness topics. Take resting and exercising blood pressures and pulse rates. Conduct field assessments to evaluate aerobic fitness and overall health. Conduct body composition assessments. Evaluate musculo-skeletal fitness with a variety of test procedures. Design and supervise resistance training programs. Supervise low-level aerobic programs for diseased and healthy populations. Give health-fitness results to the lay public in an easy-to-understand format. Time and Place: M-W-F, 6:45-8:30: Boca ý Gym (and related locations). Special programs may require your participation at times other than the designated ý-Well Program hours. Canceled Sessions: No class will be held on Monday January 18ML King Holiday, March 7-11Spring Break Orientation Week: During this time you will be taught exercise leadership skills and be oriented to the program and take the entry competency check. Exercise Program: You will be an active exercise leader in the ý-Well Program. You will be expected to supervise participants during aerobic and resistance training, measure blood pressure and pulse rates as needed and lead stretching and toning exercises. You will be assigned to a participant for each day. Resistance training is scheduled two days a week. An exercise card will be issued and attendance recorded each time the participant attends a session. If a participant refuses to follow the personal trainers instructions regarding safety issues for resistance training, he/she will forfeit their privileges. On the days not assigned to the resistance training, the participants will work on their aerobic capacity and balance. At no time should you be sitting down and talking to other practicum students unless it is related to the program at hand. During practicum time, you should be interacting with the participants. You are responsible for knowing the Emergency Procedures for the program and you may be tested on them at any time. NOTE: Blood pressure and heart rates must be taken and recorded for every participant upon entering the gym. There will be no exceptions to this rule! The upper limits for blood pressure in this program are 180/100. Basic Emergency Procedures: When in teams of 2, one person stays with victim and begins CPR/first aid; 2nd student informs Supervisor. If alone, report incident to Supervisor, then go back to victim. Supervisor calls 911 and then calls Campus Police. Second student positions himself or herself outside main gym doors, in order to direct ambulance crew to emergency site. Supervisor returns to emergency scene to assist. Calmly dismiss class. Follow-up phone call by Supervisor to victims family. Supervisor completes an ý Incident Report and notifies the department head. Course Requirements: You will be evaluated on the following items: entry and exit competency checks, heart rate and blood pressure checks, resistance training checks, personal demeanor, one exercise prescription, monitoring the participants, cool down leadership sessions, and attendance. 1. Competency Checks: You will take an entry and exit competency check exam, which will include both written and practical sections. The written portion will be based on the 2014 ACSM Guidelines. The practical portion will involve pulse rate and blood pressure skills. The Test Dates are as follows: Entry Check: Jan 13, Exit Check: April 26. 2. Demeanor: Since this program is similar to a work environment and you will be interacting with clients outside of the Exercise Science Program, you will be expected to exhibit a professional demeanor at all times. Included under professional demeanor will be interaction with participants, willingness to participate and complete tasks in the proper manor, correcting participants during the cool down session, as well as your attire. The ý-Well Program uniform consists of a plain white or blue collared athletic shirt or the ESHP white or grey shirts, tan/khaki long pants/walking shorts (no knit, workout, cut-off or lounge pants), athletic shoes (traditional sneakers with backs) and socks, and the ý-Well name tag. The shirts should be long enough to be able to be tucked into your pants and if you wear a t-shirt underneath it must be plain white. Shorts should be a professional length (knee length). All clothing should be neat and appear pressed. Failure to dress in the proper uniform will result in a warning. You will also need to have a watch with a second hand in order to take heart rates. NOTE: At all times your attention should be focused on the program participants and not on personal conversations with classmates. You should not be sitting during the running of the program, unless you have a medical condition which has been discussed with the supervisor. Food and drink are not to be consumed during practicum. Cell phones are not to be worn during the running of the program. Having a cell phone on you during the program will result in point deductions and the phone may be held until the end of class. Chewing gum is not permitted during the actual running of the program. Hats may not be worn and if your hair is long it should be secured to give a neat appearance. During cool down, you should be standing near your participant and not sitting down or standing in the closet. Important Notice: Unprofessional behavior in any of the class settings will be grounds for a failing grade. 3. Attendance: It is expected that you will arrive by 6:45 AM on each morning of the program to prepare your area for the program that starts at 7:00 AM. Tardiness (more than 5 minutes) will result in a two point deduction for that day. Included in a tardiness deduction will be failure to do your set-up job. Leaving early will result in a 3 point deduction for that day. When you come in late, you must notify the supervisor of your arrival. As this is a practical application class, attendance is encouraged. There will be two absences allowed without point deductions but the supervisor should be informed prior to or with occurrence. After the first two absences, failure to attend any scheduled session will result in a 5-point deduction for each of the first two absences (if before or after a holiday 10 points) and a 10-point deduction for the third absence. All absences after 3 will receive a 15 point deduction. Remember, you cannot register for Internship until passing grades in all of your courses are obtained. All individuals must notify supervisor by 10 AM of that day if they are not going to be there. Failure to do so will result in an additional 5-point deduction. If you know in advance that you will be missing any sessions, please discuss it with the supervisor prior to the absence. Any absence notes should be turned in by the next class meeting you attend. Documentation must be turned in a week before the last class meeting. 4. Exercise Prescription: You will write an exercise prescription for a participant based on key information from their file. A file will be assigned to each student. The particulars for the prescription will be given in class. 5. Cool Down Exercise Leadership: The Supervisor will conduct the first session of cool-down exercises for you to observe and learn. The cool down should be at least 15 minutes long. After that, students will be pre-assigned to cool-down presentations. After this time, there will be a random selection process. This is to train you to step in quickly to conduct exercise classes without preparation. It is your responsibility to develop interesting, safe, and effective cool-downs. Grading will be based on the clarity of the instruction, the variety of the exercises and the overall planning. 6. Resistance Training spot checks: Students will be periodically checked on their resistance training skills. This will include proper skill explanation, observation and correction. 7. Testing and Prescription: As part of your practical experience, you will be assessed on your testing and assessment skill while testing undergraduate students. Criteria and details will be given in class. 8. Heart Rate & Blood Pressure spot checks: Students will be periodically checked on their heart rates and blood pressures while they are taking the participants readings. 9. Monitoring Assigned Participant Students are to monitor their assigned participant of the day through the cool down session. If the participant needs correcting, the student should do so. Failure to correct your participant will result in point deductions. Note: Any late work will receive a two-point deduction for each day that it is late. All work handed in should be typed and double-spaced except lab reports can be hand written. Work will not be accepted via e-mail. Failure to complete all work will result in a failing grade for the course. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) located in Boca Raton - SU 133 (561-297-3880), in Davie - MOD I (954-236-1222), in Jupiter - SR 117 (561-799-8585), or at the Treasure Coast - CO 128 (772-873-3305), and follow all OSD procedures. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT (4.007): The universitys Student Code of conduct is an integral part of the educational mission of the University, emphasizing the development of each individuals acceptance of his or her own personal and social responsibilities and to ensure fairness and due process for all students. Since behavior which is not in keeping with standards acceptable of the University community is often symptomatic of attitudes, misconceptions, and emotional crises; reeducation and rehabilitative activities are essential elements of the disciplinary process. A humanistic approach is employed. The Universitys Student Code of Conduct is designed to provide and help maintain an atmosphere within the University community that is conducive to academic pursuits. Serious action against a student, such as separation, is considered and invoked only when other remedies fail to meet the needs of the Universitys mission. Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is considereda serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see  HYPERLINK "http://wise.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001 Code of Academic Integrity.pdf." http://wise.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001 Code of Academic Integrity.pdf. Evaluation Criteria: Final grade will be calculated according to the following point system: 1. Entry and exit Competency exams 70 2. Boca demeanor 100 3. Exercise Prescription 20 4. Resistance training checks 20 5. Heart rate & BP check 20 6. Monitoring assigned Participant 20 7. Boca cool down 30 8. Testing intro classes 20 300 total points Each student must complete all aspects of the course to receive a final grade. All grading for all assignments and all tests will be based on the scale below: A 94-100% (282-300 points) A- 90-93.99% (270-281 points) B+ 87-89.99% (261-269 points) B 84-86.99% (252-260 points) B- 80-83.99% (240-251 points) C+ 77-79.99% (231-239 points) C 74-76.99% (222-230 points) 70-73.99% (210-221 points) D+ 67-69.99% (201-209 points) D 64-66.99% (192-200 points) 60-63.99% (180-191 points) F 0-59.99% ( 0 -179 points) Due Date Notes: Tentative Schedule (subject to change) January 11 6:45 AM Syllabus, orientation January 13 6:45 AM Orientation, Entry Competency Exam January 15 6:45 AM First day for participants January 18 No class ML King Holiday March 7 to 11 No class Spring Break April 24 6:45 AM Last day for the participants Boca party April 29 7:00 AM Final Exam     PAGE 3 <=IPSTU^`st   - L M O U ʶݰ⪠yrl hBoCJ hCJH* hACJ h%CJ h5>* h?5hdhCJ hdCJhu\hd5CJ h|CJ h4_CJhu\hu\5CJhu\h5CJ hu\CJ hSRoCJ h5CJ h5 hCJh<h/h4_hh Zh)=^_`  r s  O 6 s $ & Fa$gd'-$ & Fa$$ & Fa$$a$ $$dNa$$p^p`a$gdXgd ZU Y Z q r    $%Q\z $Lly¼􊜊 h-9CJ hoCJ h ZCJ hRCJhp*CJaJ hCJ h[CJ h|5CJ h'CJ hffB5 hffB5>* ho5>* h4_5>* h5 h5>* h4_CJ hCJ hyCJ6s ([mJ`  $ & Fa$$a$$ & Fa$4 *KM  ,-.8:EL¼¶Θzt h4_CJ hCJ h|CJ h;1]CJ hkCJ hp* h5CJ hCJ h-9CJ h[CJ+LZbcdqsS[d)*V^kC  L ^ ` { !)!r!¼ȼȰ誤螘膀zz h<CJ hU&tCJ hCJ hAVCJ hXCJ hUCJ h-9CJ h?CJ h|5CJ hDDCJ h CJ h ZCJ h5CJ hBoCJ h> CJ han CJ h5CJ h5>* hCJ h]CJ h4_CJ hJCJ- de!O"P"( (((J+K+,,,,--..//_1`17$8$gdR$a$gd$a$gd/$a$gdzG$a$gdBo$a$gd]$a$r!!!!!!!P"R"S"^"=#y#z### $ $$ %(%[%%%%%%%W&X&&t'(( ( (%(&('((((ypi hx15>*h.mThCJ h.mTCJ hAVCJ h?CJ hhCJ h/CJ hPFCJ hH}CJ hx1CJ hCJ h*kCJ hc,CJ h/CJ h@8CJ h5>* h]5>*h]h]5>*h h5 hCJ h|CJ hQ^VCJ he:CJ)((((()))C)y))K+L+N+o+,,,, ,#,$,%,,,,,,-׷wlaSh>7h>75>*CJaJh4_5>*CJaJh/5>*CJaJhzGh>*CJhzGhzGaJ hzGaJh4_5>*aJhzGhzG5>*aJh/5>*aJhzG5>*aJh5>*CJh ~ h ~5>* hmCJ h5CJ hCJ h55>* h5>* h4_5>* hBo5>* h5>*-------.......F/l///000011^1_1`11 5̾尩wn\K h+!h+!CJOJPJQJaJ#h+!h+!5CJOJPJQJaJh3! 6CJ]hR6CJ]h4_6CJ]h3! hR6CJ]h3! hJPh[h4_h h5>* hCJhNCJaJhNhN5>*CJaJhNh5>*CJaJh/5>*CJaJhCJaJh>7CJaJh>75>*CJaJ`1133 5 52838H88888!9A9o99999k:l:::::;$a$gd`$a$7$8$gdRgd+! 5 57777777777081838G8888888888888"9@9O9h9i9o9p9t9{9ƴƴƴզ蟙{uoico] h`CJ hCJ h ~CJ hCJ hsYCJ hCJ h3;CJ hOCJ h[CJ hQ^VCJ hCJ h5>*hvth>70J6CJ]"h3! h>76>*B*CJ]phh>76>*B*CJ]ph%jh>76>*B*CJU]phh3! hR6CJ]h3! h+!6CJ]${999999999::::::::;;1;6;p;u;;;;;;; <<(<)<*<b<c<d<n<o<p<x<z<<<<<<<<<<<<ȼȵȘΪ h(CJ h;1]CJ h[CJ hYCJ hCJ hUCJ h4_CJ h5 h5>* h|CJ h^:CJ hCJ hiCJ hpCJhh>*CJ h>*CJhhCJ hCJ hOCJ4;(;G;;;;<&<'<(<)<*<c<d<<<<=H==========$ & F a$$ & F a$$a$<<<<<<<<<= ====,=:=F=G=H=Q=S========================hhD0JmHnHu h0Jjh0JUhZ(jhZ(U hYyCJ hOKjCJ h3;CJ h@CJ hOCJ h|CJ hQ^VCJ h3! 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