MEDIA CLIPS: How Communities can Reduce Barriers for Formerly Incarcerated

Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022
MEDIA CLIPS: How Communities can Reduce Barriers for Formerly Incarcerated

Cassandra Atkin-Plunk, Ph.D., associate professor in the School of Criminology & Criminal Justice, was elected as an executive counselor for the Division of Corrections and Sentencing within the American Society of Criminology. While co-chairing the recent Palm Beach County Reentry Summit, Atkin-Plunk appeared on a broadcast of , where she how communities can reduce barriers for formerly incarcerated persons who are re-entering society. Atkin-Plunk also lent her expertise to a panel discussion on a recent Facebook Live episode of , as well as on regarding accidental shooting deaths in the United States.

Tags: SW-CJ | sccj