ࡱ> 796 bjbj22 4(P_P_ llL%%%%%$  Z%%<<<%%<<<@0!,!!<d!l w: Healthy Aging Certificate, ý Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work With the continuing increase in aging populations in Florida and throughout the United States, the delivery of social work services to diverse groups of elders will become increasingly critical. Service needs currently exist and will continue to develop along a continuum of care in public, private-not-for-profit, and private-for-profit settings. In response to these evolving needs, the School of Social Work has developed a certificate program to ensure that there are competently prepared social workers to meet the biopsychosocial needs of South Floridas diverse elders. This certificate program is open only to social work students. Healthy Aging Certificate applications must be submitted at least six weeks before graduation to ensure your transcript is updated. Healthy Aging Certificate, BSW Level To qualify for the BSW-level certificate, BSW students must meet the following requirements: 1. Pass the course Social Work With Aging Populations (SOW 4643). 2. Pass any two other social work courses (for example, Human Behavior and Social Environment, Social Work Practice) and complete a class paper for each course (a total of two papers) focusing on a related aspect of services to older adults. For example, a paper for the Social Welfare Policy and Provisions course (SOW 3232) should focus on a topic such as Medicare Part D, the Older Americans Act, or Advanced Directives. 3. Complete one bachelors-level Field Education placement (SOW 4510) in an agency serving older adults, such as a senior center, an assisted-living facility, or a nursing home. Healthy Aging Certificate, MSW Level To qualify for the MSW-level certificate, MSW students must meet the following requirements: 1. Pass the course Social Work With Aging Populations (SOW 6641). 2. Pass the course Advanced Social Work Practice With Elders (SOW 6646). 3. Pass another social work course (for example, Human Behavior and Social Environment, Social Work Research) and complete a class paper focusing on older adults. For example, a paper for the Social Work Research course should focus on a topic such as empirical evidence of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in treating depression for older adults. 4. Complete one masters-level Field Education placement (either generalist or specialist year), focusing on service outreach to diverse older adults.  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