Foundations of Personality Research Study

Thursday, Oct 13, 2022

personality study

The WAVES Emotion Lab in ý’s Department of Psychology is recruiting infants and mothers for a new research study focused on how babies’ brain wave activity is related to their emerging personalities.

This research study is being conducted at three universities across the United States. In addition to local families participating at ý, other families are participating at Washington State University and at Virginia Tech.

Participate in the Study

Participation involves seven “visits” with us between the time your infant is 2 and 24 months of age. Babies must be less than 6 months old to participate. We are recruiting infants who were born full term, with no prenatal or birth complications. If you plan to stay in the greater Southeast Florida area until your baby is 24 months of age and are interested in participating, book an appointment below.

Participants will receive a gift card for every visit to our ý Jupitercampus laboratory ($50-$100), up to $375-$450 depending on the number of completed visits.

Book an Appointment

We are offering up to $450 in gift cards to participate in the study.

Visit Schedule

VisitNo. InfantAge StudyStageandCompensation
1 0-2months Online questionnaires and you will receive a $25 gift card.
2-6 6-18months The next five visits will be in our research lab. These are 60-90 min visits where your infant will play games with us while wearing a little sensor cap to collect brain-wave activity (EEG). The sensor cap is a completely safe recording of the brain’s electrical activity. Your infant will sit on your lap and in a highchair beside you during the visit. You would complete online questionnaires at each visit. You will receive $50 gift cards for lab visits between 6 and 10 months and $75 gift cards for visits between 12 and 18 months.
7 24months The final visit at 24 months focuses on questionnaires, an interview, and your child will play some games with us. You will receive $100 gift cards for the final visit.

Contact Us

Come and be a part of the WAVES Lab’s science family! Contact the lab coordinator, Samantha Gott at for more details.

*This study has been approved by the Washington State University Institutional Review Board (#13370).

*This study has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (R01 MH125800).

Additional Information
The Charles E. Schmidt College of Science offers unparalleled experiential learning opportunities to prepare the next generation of scientists and problem solvers.
Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
777 Glades Rd, SE-43
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Fax: (561) 297-3292