Undergraduate Resources
University Undergraduate Catalog
Psychology Student Handbook
- Department Handout of Requirements for B.A. in Psychology
- Department Handout of Requirements for B.S. in Psychobiology听(for students matriculating prior to Fall, 2011)
- Department Handout of Requirements for B.S. in Neuroscience & Behavior听(for students matriculating Fall, 2011 to 2014)
- Department Handout of Requirements for B.S. in Neuroscience & Behavior听(for students matriculating 2015 and beyond)
Student Learning Outcomes Information for the Majors
Master Syllabi for ALC Courses
- DEP 3053 Psychology of Human Development
- EXP 3505 Cognition
- PSB 3002 Biological Bases of Behavior I
- PSY 3213 Research Methods in Psychology
- SOP 3004 Social Psychology
- STA 3163L Intermediate Statistics Laboratory
Comprehensive degree requirement sheets published by Freshman Academic Advising Services provide information about the BA and BS degree programs in the Psychology Department within the context of the Intellectual Foundations Program. Click to review and download those documents Freshman Academic Advising Services Forms.
Current Editions of the Academic Calendar Published by