2010 - Present
- Hammack, J., Sharma, M., Riera-Gomez, L., Gvirts, H. Z., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2023). When I move, you move: Associations between automatic and person-coded measures of infant-mother synchrony during free-play using virtual in-home data collection.ÌýInfant Behavior and Development,Ìý72, 101869.Ìý
- Gvirts Provolovski, H. Z., Sharma, M., Gutman, I., Dahan, A., Pan, Y., Stotler, J., &Ìý Wilcox, T. Ìý(2023). New framework for understanding cross-brain coherence in functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) hyperscanning studies.ÌýJournal of Visualized Experiments,Ìý e65347. DOI: 10.3791/65347
- Chan, J. Hyssayeni, M. D.,Ìý Wilcox, T., & Ghoraani, B. (2023). Exploring the feasibility of tensor decomposition for analysis of fNRIS signals: A comparative study with grand averaging method.Ìý Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17,Ìý 1180293.Ìý
- Chan, J., Hssayeni, M.D.,ÌýWilcox, T., & Ghoraani, B. (2022). Multidimensional analysis of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signal using tucker decomposition. IEEE SMC.Ìý
- Hawkins, L., Nyman, T., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2021). Infants' recognition of three-dimensional form: Mirror image and structurally distinct objects. Infant and Child development.Ìý
- Biondi, M., Hirshkowitz, A., Stotler, J. &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2021). Cortical activation to social and mechanical stimuli in the infant brain. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.Ìý
- Hssayeni, M.D.,ÌýWilcox, T.,Ìý& Ghoraani, B. (2020). Tensor decomposition of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals for pattern discovery of cognitive response in infanst. IEEE EMBC.Ìý
- Hirkowshowitz, K., Biondi, M., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2017). Cortical responses to shape-from-motion stimuli in the infant.ÌýNeurophotonics.ÌýRead
Biondi, M., Boas, D.A., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2016). On the other hand: Increased cortical activation to human versus mechanical hands in infants.Ìý NeuroImage Ìý .Ìý Read
Alexander, G.M.,Ìý Wilcox, T., Hawkins, L., & Hirshkowitz, A. (2016). Infant Preferences for Sexually Dimorphic Body Traits: Implications for Female-typical Toy Preferences. Frontiers in Psychology.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.Ìý& Biondi, M. (2016). Functional Activation in the Ventral Object Processing Pathway during the First Year.Ìý Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.Ìý& Biondi, M. (2015). Object processing in the infant: Lessons from neuroscience.Ìý Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.Ìý& Biondi, M. (2015). FNIRS in the Developmental Sciences.Ìý Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Cognitive Science.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Hirshkowtiz, A., Hawkins, L., & Boas, D.A. (2014). The effect of color priming on infant brain and behavior.Ìý NeuroImage, 85,Ìý 302-313.Ìý Read
Woods , R.J., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2013). Posture support improves object individuation in infants.Ìý Developmental Psychology Ìý ,Ìý 49, Ìý 1413-1424. doi: 10.1037/a0030344Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Stubbs, J.A., Wheeler, L., & Alexander, G.M. (2013). Infants’ scanning of dynamic faces during the first year.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 36,Ìý 513-517.Ìý Read
Hirshkowitz, A., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2013). Infants’ ability to extract three-dimensional shape from coherent motion.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 36,Ìý 863-872 Ìý .Ìý Read
Brower, T., &Ìý Wilcox, T.Ìý (2013). Priming infants to use color in an individuation task: Does social context matter? Infant Behavior and Development, 35, 323-327.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Alexander, G.A., Wheeler, L., & Norvell, J. (2012). Sex differences during visual scanning of occlusion events in infants.Ìý Developmental Psychology, 48,Ìý 1091-1105.Ìý Read
Alexander, G.A., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2012). Sex differences in early infancy.Ìý Child Development Perspectives, 6,Ìý 400-406.Ìý Read
Wilcox., T., Stubbs, J., Hirshkowitz, A., & Boas, D.A. (2012). Object processing and functional organization of the infant cortex.Ìý NeuroImage, 62,Ìý 1833-1840.Ìý Read
Brower, T.R., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2012). Shaking things up: Young infants’ use of sound information for object individuation.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 35,Ìý 323-327.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Smith, T.R. , Woods, R. (2011). Priming infants to use pattern information in an object individuation task: The role of comparison.Ìý Developmental Psychology, 47,Ìý 886-897.Ìý Read
Woods, R., &ÌýWilcox, T., Armstrong, J., & Alexander, G. (2010). Infants’ tracking of 3-dimensional objects through occlusion.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 33,Ìý 663-671.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Smith, T.R. (2010). The Development of infants’ use of property-poor sounds to Individuate Objects.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 33 Ìý , 365-700.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Haslup, J., & Boas, D.A. (2010). Dissociation of processing of featural and spatiotemporal information in the infant cortex.Ìý NeuroImage, 53,Ìý 1256-1263.Ìý Read
Woods, R., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2010). Co-variation of color and luminance facilitate object individuation in infancy.Ìý Developmental Psychology, 46 Ìý , 681-690 Ìý .Ìý Read
2005 – 2009:
Wilcox, T., & Woods, R. (2009). Experience primes infants to individuate objects: Illuminating learning mechanisms. In A. Needham & A. Woodward (Eds.),Ìý Learning and the Infant MindÌý (pp. 117-143). NY: Oxford University Press.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Bortfeld, H., Armstrong, J., Woods, R., & Boas, D. (2009). Hemodynamic response to featural and spatiotemporal information in the infant brain.Ìý Neuropsychologia, 47, 657-662 Ìý .Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.Ìý(2009). Perceptual Development: Visual Object Permanence and Identity. In B. Goldstein (Ed.),Ìý Encyclopedia of Perception Ìý . Sage Publishers.Ìý Read
McCurry, S.,ÌýWilcox, T., & Woods, R. (2009). Beyond the search barrier: New evidence for object individuation in young infants.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 32 Ìý , 429-436.Ìý Read
Alexander, G. M.,ÌýWilcox, T., & Woods, R. (2009). Sex differences in infants’ visual interest in toys.Ìý Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38, 427-433.Ìý Read
Alexander, G. M.,ÌýWilcox, T., & Farmer, M-B. (2009). Hormone-behavior associations in early infancy.Ìý Hormones and Behavior, 56,Ìý 498-502.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Woods, R., & Chapa, C. (2008). Color-function categories that prime infants to use color information in an object individuation task.Ìý Cognitive Psychology, 57, 220-261 Ìý .Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Bortfeld, H., Woods, R., Wruck, E., & Boas, D. (2008). Hemodynamic response to featural changes in the occipital and inferior temporal cortex in infants: A preliminary methodological exploration.Ìý Developmental Science, 11,Ìý 361-370.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.Ìý(2007). Sex differences in infants’ mapping of complex occlusion sequences: Further evidence.Ìý Infancy, 12,Ìý 1-25.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Woods, R., Chapa, C., & McCurry, S. (2007). Multisensory exploration and object individuation in infants.Ìý Developmental Psychology, 43,Ìý 479-495.Ìý Read
Woods, R., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2006). Infants’ ability to use luminance information to individuate objects.Ìý Cognition,99,Ìý B43-B52 Ìý .Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Woods, R., Tuggy, L., & Napoli, R. (2006). Shake, rattle, and…. one or two objects? Infants’ use of sound information to individuate objects.Ìý Infancy, 9, Ìý 97-123.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Bortfeld, H., Woods, R., Wruck, E., & Boas, D. A. (2005). Using near-infrared spectroscopy to assess neural activation during object processing in infants.Ìý Journal of Biomedical Optic, 10,Ìý 011010-1 – 011010-9.Ìý Read
1998 – 2004:
Schweinle, A., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2004). Intermodal perception and physical reasoning in young infants.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 27,Ìý 246-265.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Chapa, C. (2004). Priming infants to use color and pattern information in an individuation task.Ìý Cognition Ìý , 90, 265-302.Ìý Read
Schweinle, A., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(2004). Sex differences in infants’ ability to represent complex event sequences.Ìý Infancy, 6 Ìý , 333-359.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.Ìý(2003). Event-mapping tasks: Investigating the effects of prior information and event complexity on performance.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development Ìý , 26, 568-587.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Schweinle, A. (2003). Infants’ use of speed of motion to individuate objects in occlusion events. Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 26, Ìý 253-282 Ìý .Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Schweinle, A., & Chapa, C. (2003). Object individuation in infancy. In F. Fagan & H. Hayne (Eds.). Ìý ÌýProgress in Infancy Research Ìý (Vol 3, pp. 193-243). ÌýMahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Schweinle, A. (2002). Object individuation and event mapping: Developmental changes in infants’ use of featural information.Ìý Developmental Science, 5,Ìý 87-105.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Chapa, C. (2002). ÌýInfants’ reasoning about opaque and transparent occluders in an individuation task. Ìý Ìý Cognition, 85,Ìý B1-B10.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.Ìý(2001). Object identity: A developmental perspective. Ìý Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive (Current Psychology of Cognition), 20 Ìý , 269-276.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T.ÌýÌý(1999). Object Individuation: ÌýInfants’ use of shape, size, pattern, and color.Ìý Cognition, 72 Ìý , 125-166.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Baillargeon, R (1998b). Object Individuation in young infants: Further evidence with an event monitoring task.Ìý Developmental Science, 1 Ìý , 127-142.Ìý Read Part A Ìý ;Ìý Read Part B
Wilcox, T., & Baillargeon, R. (1998a). Object individuation in infancy: The use of featural information in reasoning about occlusion events.Ìý Cognitive Psychology, 37 Ìý , 97-155.Ìý Read
Prior to 1998:
Wilcox, T., Nadel, L., & Rosser, R. (1996). Location memory in healthy preterm and full-term infants.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 19, Ìý 309-323.Ìý Read
Sell, E., Figueredo, A. J., &ÌýWilcox, T.Ìý(1995). Assessment of Preterm Infants’ Behavior (APIB): Confirmatory factor analysis of behavioral constructs.Ìý Infant Behavior and Development, 18 Ìý , 447 – 457.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., Rosser, R., & Nadel, L. (1994). Representation of object location in 6.5-month-old infants.Ìý Cognitive Development, 9 Ìý , 193-209.Ìý Read
Wilcox, T., & Kraft, R. (1989). Lateral differences in schematic face encoding during dual-task performance with increasing levels of difficulty.Ìý Perceptual and Motor Skills, 68 Ìý , 767-778.Ìý