OSP Announcements
- 11/19/2024 Congressional District Change and NIH RPPR Data Sharing Requirements
- 10/18/2024 Deminimis Rate Increase and NSF Update regarding Multifactor Authentication
- 7/19/2024 Updated Sponsored Programs Forms Now Available on the OSP Webpage
- 4/23/2024 Updated Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Form
- 4/19/2024 Ad Hoc Reporting Feature
- 2/1/2024 NSF PAPPG Updates
- 1/29/2024 Subrecipient Commitment Form Updated
- 11/28/2023 OSP Office Location Change
- 7/31/2023 Proposal Information
- 6/29/2023 FDP NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Pilot
- 6/27/2023 Novelution
- 6/7/2023 NSF - Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR)
- 2/28/2023 National Institutes of Aging (NIA): RPPR Submission & R15 Eligibility Requirements
- 1/13/2023 NIH Data Management & Sharing Plan Requirement
- 10/31/2022 NSF Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) Now Available
- 10/12/2021 Delinquent Progress and Final Technical Reports
- 8/27/2021 OSP Restructure
- 3/25/2021 NIH Updates
- 2/3/2021 NOVELUTION: Percent Project Credit
- 1/28/2021 Website, Research Tems and Conditions, NIH Salary Cap