Brown Bag Lunch Series 2023

View the schedule here
Date Topic Description
January 19, 2023 Identifying Pain and Distress in Rodents Rodents are very stoic species and signs of pain and distress are often subtle. This presentation will discuss how to evaluate rodents for clinical and behavioral changes associated with pain and/or distress.
February 16, 2023 Common Rodent Health Issues This presentation will evaulate commonly identified rodent health issues including inherited disorders, reproductive disorders, ulcerative dermatitis, fighting, etc. Recommended veterinary treatments will also be highlighted.
March 16, 2023 Paying for Animals in Research. How are per diems and fees calculated. The fiscal aspects of animal research are discussed and include how per diems are calculated including what items can be charged for per diems and what must be excluded according to funding agencies.
April 20, 2023 Rodent Surgery Discussion revolves around the best practices for rodent aseptic surgery and provides information that is helpful to the novice as well as the experienced rodent surgeon.
May 18, 2023 Rodent Necropsy Techniques The Brown Bag focuses on how to perform a diagnostic rodent necropsy, collection techniques, equipment needs, etc. Anatomy of the rodent will also be addressed.
June 15, 2023 Extrinsic Factors affecting Research This presentation will address concerns of extrinsic factors and their effect upon research. Noise, vibration and lighting are all known to affect research results. These will be discussed along with remediation methods.
July 20, 2023 Injection Techniques for Rodents This presentation discusses the proper techniques for various rodent injections (IP, SC and IV). General blood collection methods will also be covered.
August 17, 2023 What are Excluded Pathogens? How do they affect my research? The health status of the research colonies is of utmost importance. Outbreaks of disease can affect the animals in many different ways including behaviorally and physiologically. We will discuss 大象传媒's Excluded Pathogen list for mice and how these pathogens may affect your studies and why they should be kept out of the colony.
September 21, 2023 Rodent Colony Maintenance A discussion of how to maintain a breeding colony with recommendations and requirement discussions on genetics, breeding methods and recordkeepting. This is accepted as a required training by the IACUC for those working with breeding colonies.
October 19, 2023 Marine Mammals and Sea Turtle Studies Dr. Annie Page-Karjian will provide a talk on her research working with a variety of marine animals.
November 16, 2023 Quarantine and Health Monitoring Comparative Medicine tests the health of the colony quarterly. Discussions will revolve around the sentinal health monitoring program as well as explaining the process of bringing animals in through quarantine.