ࡱ> ?A>#` bjbj\.\. *0>D>D%J J J 8 $ $ " 777QSSSSSS$h&w37w ;X  QQ ZFJ X50wl7|%777wwqX777dJ J  FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY INFORMATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Building 22 Boca Raton Campus (561) 297-0220 Phone (561) 297-0222 Fax Position of Trust Form and Security Access Form INFORMATION FOR DATA PROCESSING EMPLOYEES As an employee of ý, you are considered in a class of employment involving critical and sensitive information processing activities. You must be aware of ý, departmental and IRM guidelines regarding security procedures and policies. These guidelines are as follows: 1. Your work will bring you into contact with information or information resources that are of value to the state and institution; these resources require your protection as you employ them in your day-to-day tasks. 2. To the fullest extent permitted by Florida law, all information in the systems used by you in your work assignments are considered CONFIDENTIAL. These include, but are not limited to, passwords, sensitive data and documentation on uncompleted tasks, files and libraries, distribution lists, and telephone contact lists. 3. Fulfillment of security responsibilities as detailed by your supervisor and the departmental information manager is mandatory and a condition of your continued employment. 4. Your department and Information Resource Management staff members adhere to the Security of Data and Information Technology Resources guidelines. Copies are available for review upon request. 5. Any questions or concerns you have about security, violations of security, and working practices must be directed immediately to your office supervisor and/or the information security manager. 6. As a Banner Security Officer, you are responsible to ensure that only qualified and trustworthy indiviuals are granted access to Banner data set within your department. You are also required to review their access on an annual basis. NAME (print) _______________________________ SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE __________ Approval: area Director: NAME (print) _______________________________ SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE __________ Approved Information Resource Management Name: Signature::_____________ Date:__________ Copies: IRM SLA/User department/Indiviual/ Rev 2/2007 The 2001 Florida Statutes Title XIX Public Business Chapter 282 Communications And Data Processing 282.318 Security of data and information technology resources. (1) This section may be cited as the "Security of Data and Information Technology Resources Act" (2)(a) The State Technology Office, in consultation with each agency head, is responsible and accountable for assuring an adequate level of security for all data and information technology resources of each agency and, to carry out this responsibility, shall, at a minimum: 1. Designate an information security manager who shall administer the security program of each agency for its data and information technology resources. 2. Conduct, and periodically update, a comprehensive risk analysis to determine the security threats to the data and information technology resources of each agency. The risk analysis information is confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), except that such information shall be available to the Auditor General in performing his or her postauditing duties. 3. Develop, and periodically update, written internal policies and procedures to assure the security of the data and information technology resources of each agency. The internal policies and procedures which, if disclosed, could facilitate the unauthorized modification, disclosure, or destruction of data or information technology resources are confidential information and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), except that such information shall be available to the Auditor General in performing his or her postauditing duties. 4. Implement appropriate cost-effective safeguards to reduce, eliminate, or recover from the identified risks to the data and information technology resources of each agency. 5. Ensure that periodic internal audits and evaluations of each security program for the data and information technology resources of the agency are conducted. The results of such internal audits and evaluations are confidential information and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), except that such information shall be available to the Auditor General in performing his or her postauditing duties. 6. Include appropriate security requirements, as determined by the State Technology Office, in consultation with each agency head, in the written specifications for the solicitation of information technology resources. (b) In those instances in which the State Technology Office develops state contracts for use by state agencies, the office shall include appropriate security requirements in the specifications for the solicitation for state contracts for procuring information technology resources. History.--ss. 1, 2, 3, ch. 84-236; s. 28, ch. 87-137; s. 1, ch. 89-14; s. 7, ch. 90-160; s. 13, ch. 91-171; s. 234, ch. 92-279; s. 55, ch. 92-326; s. 22, ch. 94-340; s. 863, ch. 95-148; s. 131, ch. 96-406; s. 15, ch. 97-286; s. 25, ch. 2000-164; s. 26, ch. 2001-261.     PAGE  PAGE 1 < ̽raP?.?P? h} %hZ:CJOJQJ^JaJ h} %hV1CJOJQJ^JaJ h} %hGCJOJQJ^JaJ h} %h>+䴳ϴV1V1䴳ϴG5CϴV1V15Cϴ:5Cϴ#>+:5CϴV15Cϴ#(V15Cϴ>+5Cϴ#(G5Cϴ<HZo  ! " Z[HIvw$a$gdV1gdG   g  ! 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