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Develops course syllabi and materials that are clear, substantive, organized and up-to-date. 2). Invests significant time and energy into discourse and scholarship related to improving the teaching mission of the College. Advises and mentors students. Publishes scholarly articles related to teaching and learning 3). Creates a caring environment for learning. Mentors and serves as a resource to the entire faculty. Changes teaching/learning strategies to meet the needs of the current student population. Stimulates the critical thinking skills of students and creates an atmosphere of discovery in the classroom. 4). Evaluates the effectiveness of ones own teaching strategies and openness and willingness toward continued growth. B. There shall be two Master Teachers in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing. The designation as Master Teacher is for a two-year period. C. In conjunction with this designation, each recipient will receive an annual award from the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Program of $6,000.00. D. Eligibility: Faculty members shall be in a tenure line for at least the past 12 months. Faculty members who apply must have taught a minimum of two undergraduate courses in the calendar year prior to application. E. Expectations of the Master Teacher: Master Teachers will plan and implement a meaningful program/project to enhance teaching and learning in the undergraduate program. This program/project will be presented as a proposal submitted as part of the portfolio. The Master Teacher shall teach a minimum of two undergraduate courses each calendar year for the duration of the award. The Master Teacher shall be a resource to enhance the teaching of Nursing from a caring-based program to faculty members of the College of Nursing. The Master Teacher shall also be available to facilitate programs and projects for the university academic community. The Master Teacher shall consistently adhere to College policies regarding course evaluations and peer evaluations of teaching. F. Process: An adhoc Committee shall be comprised of five members the composition of which shall be recipients of University Distinguished Teachers of the Year from the College of Nursing, and two student representatives from the undergraduate program. Future compositions of the committee shall include recipients of the College of Nursing Master Teacher Awards. The Ad hoc committee members shall be voted by the Faculty Assembly as recommended by the Committee on Faculty. Submission of portfolio that provides evidence of being a Master Teacher of Nursing in the Classroom and/or Practice. The portfolio shall be due on the first day of class in March of each year. The Portfolio shall contain the following: Self-evaluation. (Describes how he/she exemplifies the characteristics and qualities of the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing. Provides documentary evidences supporting the descriptions. A table that during displays the following information regarding courses taught during the past three years or the period the faculty members have been employed: semester; courses taught with titles and course numbers; number of students enrolled in each course; elective or required course; credit hours; the campus or campuses the course was taught; student SPOT evaluations scores, including means and grade distributions. Peer Evaluations following the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing forms and policies, particularly on the frequency of peer evaluations. Un-solicited letters from current students or solicited letters from former students. Program/project proposal for enhancing teaching and learning in the undergraduate program. Selection of the Master Teacher will involve evidence of the quality of the program proposed. Similarly, this program/project will focus on the Master Teacher as expert who provides opportunities for faculty members to grow in their teaching effectiveness through his/her modeling of teaching. G. The Master Teacher Ad hoc Committee shall recommend to the Dean who shall make the decision for the designation of Master Teachers at the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing.     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