ࡱ> GIF EbjbjWW .==EXXXXXlllllk.($K"XBBBXX4B XXB:,<0jJL. /<kR"z."<"X<p9hTM kBBBB" : ý Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Policy for Filing a Formal Complaint We define a formal complaint as a written report from a student or other constituent that expresses a serious concern about the quality of any of our nursing programs or the conduct of a faculty member or student. A formal complaint should be initiated when all other appropriate university and/or college channels have failed to produce a satisfactory resolution from the point of view of the complainant. Process for Filing: The first step in any disagreement or conflict is to directly discuss it with the person/s involved. If there has not been satisfactory resolution, the complainant may utilize the appropriate process in the applicable University or College Regulation or policy for resolution. For example, there is an Honor Code and grade dispute Regulation (4.001), special circumstances withdrawal Regulation (Regulation 4.013), anti-discrimination Regulation (5.010), and others. See  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/policiesregulations.php" http://www.fau.edu/policiesregulations.php for University Regulations and Policies. See  HYPERLINK "http://nursing.fau.edu/" http://nursing.fau.edu/ for College student handbooks and policies. If there is no University or College regulation or policy to govern the nature of the complaint, this form should be completed and forwarded the Deans Office. The Dean or designee will investigate and will maintain a file of all formal complaints and resolutions. Formal Complaint Form Name of Person Filing Complaint : ____________________________ Program (if student): ______________________ If you are not a student, what is the nature of your relationship to the College: ______________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________Phone: _____________________ In your own words, and as concisely as possible, please describe the nature of the complaint: What have you done so far to resolve this complaint directly with persons involved or through established University procedures? 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