
Rose Sherman

Rose Sherman


Professor Emerita

Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, NU 121A

Boca Raton

p: 561-297-0055



Dr. Rose Sherman joined the faculty in June of 2002 as Director of the Nursing Leadership Institute. Prior to assuming this position, Dr Sherman had a 25 year career with the Department of Veterans Affairs where she held leadership positions at five major VA Medical Centers including the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center, the Miami VA Medical Center, the New York VA Medical Center, the Seattle VA Medical and the Washington DC VA Medical Center.

Dr. Sherman has extensive national experience speaking on a wide variety of leadership topics. She is the lead faculty for both the Emerging Leaders and Nursing Administration Master's Program. In 2005, Dr. Sherman was named Florida Nurse Leader of the Year by the Florida Organization of Nurse Executives. In 2006, she was selected by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for a three year Nurse Executive Fellowship. In 2008, she was selected as the Distinguished Teacher of the Year for ´óÏó´«Ã½. In 2010, she was selected as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. Rose has been married for 40 years to her husband Jim, an architect and has one son Mark.


  • E.d.D, Columbia University (1991) Manhattan, New York City
  • E.d.D, Columbia University (1991) Manhattan, New York City
  • BSN, University of Florida (1976) Gainesville, Florida
  • BA, University of Florida (1974) Gainesville, Florida
  • Certifications:
  • ANCC Certification, Advanced Nursing Administration (2003-Present)

    AACN Certification, Clinical Nurse Leader (2007-Present)


    ore Courses and practicum supervision in the Nursing Administration and the Emerging Nurse Leaders Masters Programs. She also teaches NGR 7793 in the DNP Program.

    Areas of interest include the following:

  • Leadership Competencies for Nurse Managers
  • Emerging Nurse Leader Development
  • Work Environment Factors that impact the Recruitment & Retention of Nurses
  • Leadership Succession Planning
  • The Impact of Lost Knowledge with an Aging Workforce in Nursing
  • Clinical Nurse Leader Role Transition Experiences
  • Generational Issues in the Nursing Workforce
  • Long Term Care Nurse Leader Development Needs

Grants Awarded

  • Principal Investigator: Development of Current and Future Long-Term Care Nurse Leaders for the State of Florida: Challenges, Opportunities and Leadership Development Needs $55,000 three-year Florida Blue Foundation grant – funded January 2014 – December 2016
  • Principal Investigator – Factors that lead Generation Y nurses to consider or reject nursing leadership roles. $5000 ´óÏó´«Ã½ Scholar of the Year Grant July 2013 – December 2013
  • Principal Investigator - Succession Planning for the Future: A Nursing Administration Master's Degree for Emerging Leaders - $827,000 HRSA grant funded July 2011 – June 2012. Program grant to implement an emerging leaders curriculum and conduct an action research evaluation project
  • Principal Investigator - Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellowship Leadership and Project Grant - $35,000 (2006 - 2010)-Lessons Learned in Innovation: Role Transition Experiences of Clinical Nurse Leaders
  • Principal Investigator - The Clinical Nurse Leader Project $815,981 HRSA Program Grant funded to implement CNL curriculum and conduct research. (July 1st, 2005 - June 2008)
  • Principal Investigator - Nursing Faculty Development Initiative - Grant funded for $190,505 by the Palm Healthcare Foundation - (August 2004-2006)
  • Principal Investigator - Use of a Consensus Process to Identify the factors that influence the decision of younger nurses to accept or reject Nursing Leadership Positions. A Proposal submitted to the American Organization of Nurse Executives, Chicago, Illinois $3000.00 Grant (funded Spring 2003).
  • Principal Investigator - Identification of Critical Leadership Competencies for Today's Nurse Manager/Establishment of a Nursing Leadership Institute $282,000 Grant from the Palm Healthcare Foundation 2002-2005

Recent Publications

  • Sherman, R.O., Patterson, P., Avitable, T. & Dahl, J. (2014). Perioperative nurse leader perspectives on succession planning. Nursing Economics. 32(4), 186, 193, 203.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2014). The drive for cost transparency in health care. American Nurse Today. 9(5), 32-24.
  • Prestia, A., Dyess, S. & Sherman, R.O. (2014). Planting the seeds of succession.Nursing Management. 45(7), 30-37.
  • Sherman, R.O. & Hilton, N. (2014). The patient engagement imperative. American Nurse Today. 9(2), 1-4.
  • Sherman, R.O., Chiang-Hanisko, L. & Koszalinski, R. (2013). The aging nursing workforce: A global challenge. Journal of Nursing Management, 21, 899-902.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2013). Introverts can be nurse leaders too. American Nurse Today,8(9), 16-18.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2013). Managing Difficult People. American Nurse Today, 8(7), 40-42.
  • Sherman, R., Patterson, P., Schmidt, T. & Dahl, J. (in press). Perioperative nurse leader perspectives on succession planning. Nursing Economics.
  • Prestia, A., Sherman, R.O. & Dyess, S. (in press). Growing our future nurse managers. Nursing Management.
  • Sherman, R.O., Dyess, S.M., Hannah, E. & Prestia, A. (2013). Succession planning for the future through an academic-practice partnership: A Nursing administration master's program for emerging nurse leaders. Nursing Administration Quarterly. 37(1), 18-27.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2013). Managing yourself. American Nurse Today, 8(5), 38-40.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2013). Imposter Syndrome. American Nurse Today, 8(5), 57-58.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2013). Building a sense of community on nursing units. American Nurse Today, 8(3), 32-34.
  • Sherman, R.O. & Bishop, M. (2012). The business of caring. American Nurse Today. 7(11). 32-34.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2012). Carefronting, American Nurse Today. 7(10), 72-74.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2012). What followers need from their leaders. American Nurse Today, 7(9), 62-62.
  • Sherman, R.O., Dyess, S.M., Hannah, E. & Prestia, A. (in press). Succession planning for the future through an academic-practice partnership: A Nursing administration master's program for emerging nurse leaders. Nursing Administration Quarterly. Data Based.
  • Sherman, R.O. & Bishop, M. (in press). The business of caring. American Nurse Today.
  • Sherman, R.O. (in press). Carefronting, American Nurse Today.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2012). What followers need from their leaders. American Nurse Today, 7(9), 62-62.
  • Androwich, I., Watson, C., Belcher, J.V., Patrician, P., Sherman, R.O., Yoder, L. & Vlasses, F. (2012). Graduate practicums in nursing administration programs: Current approaches and recommendations. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(10), 454-457. Data Based
  • Sherman, R.O. (2012). Learning from failure, American Nurse Today, 7(7), 28-31.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2012). Navigating organizational politics, American Nurse Today.7(5), 41-42.
  • Gantz, N.R., Sherman, R.O., Jasper, M., Ghoo, C.K, Herrin-Griffin, D. & Harris, K. (2012). Global nurse leader perspectives on health systems and workforce challenges. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(4), 433-443.
  • Schwarzkopf, R., Sherman, R.O. & Kiger, A. (2012). Taking charge: Frontline nurse leader development. Journal of the Continuing Education in Nursing, 43(4),154-160. Data Based
  • Sherman, R.O., Schwarzkopf, R. & Kiger, A. (2011). Charge nurse perspectives on frontline leadership in acute care environments. International Scholarly Research Network: ISRN Nursing, 11(Article ID. 164052), doi:10.5402/2011/164052. Data Based
  • Dyess, S M, & Sherman R.O. (2011). Developing the leadership skills of new graduates to influence practice environments: A novice nurse leadership program. Nursing Administration Quarterly,35(4), 312-322. Data Based
  • Sherman, R.O. (2010). Lessons in Innovation: Role transition experiences of Clinical Nurse Leaders Journal of Nursing Administration, 40(12), 7-15. Data Based
  • Sherman, R.O. (2010). Creating an effective poster presentation. American Nurse Today, 5(9), 15-17.
  • Sherman, R. & Dyess, S. (2010). Transitioning new graduates during turbulent economic times. (Invited Editorial). Journal of Nursing Education, 49(7), 1-2.
  • Sherman, R. & Pross, E. (2010). Growing our future nurse leaders to build and sustain healthy work environments at the unit level. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15(1), Manuscript 1.
  • Dyess, S. & Sherman, R. (2009). The first year of practice: New graduate learning needs and transition experiences. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 40(9), 403-409. Data Based
  • Sherman, R., Edwards, B., Giovengo, K. & Hilton, N. (2009). The role of the Clinical Nurse Leader in promoting a healthy work environment at the unit level. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 32(4), 264-271.
  • Sherman, R. (2009). Teaching the Net Set (Editorial). Journal of Nursing Education, 48(7), 359-360.
  • Sherman, R. & Murphy, N. (2009). The Many Merits of Mentoring. American Nurse Today, 4(2), 24-25.
  • Sherman, R. & McClean, G. (2009). Developing a High-Performance OR Team. OR Nurse 2009, 3(1), 10 12.
  • Sherman, R. & Eggenberger, T. (2008). Transitioning Internationally Recruited Nurses into Clinical Settings. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(12), 535-546. Data Based.
  • Sherman, R. (2008). Is your facility's Website Recruitment Friendly. Nursing Management, 39(11), 14-16.
  • Sherman, R. (2008). One Size Doesn't fit all: Motivating a Multigenerational Staff. Nursing Management, 39(9), 8-10.
  • Sherman, R. (2008). Factors Influencing Organizational Participation in the Clinical Nurse Leader Project. Nursing Economics, 26(4), 236-242. Data Based.
  • Gabaut, J., Hilton, N., Kinnard, L. & Sherman, R. (2008). Implementing the Clinical Nurse Leader role in a for-profit enviornment. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(6), 302-307.
  • Sherman, R. (2007). Transitioning foreign nurses: Develop your cultural diversity. Nursing Management, 38(9), 14-16.
  • Sherman, R. & Bishop, M. (2007). The role of nurse educators in grooming future nurse leaders (editorial). Journal of Nursing Education, 46(7), 295-296.
  • Sherman, R. & Dyess, S. (2007). Be a coach for novice nurses. American Nurse Today, 2(5), 54-55.
  • Longo, J.,& Sherman, R. (2007). Leveling horizontal violence. Nursing Management, 38(3), 34-37; 50 51.
  • Sherman, R., Bishop, M., Eggenberger, T., & Karden, R. (2007). Development of a leadership competency model from insights shared by nurse managers. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(2), 85-94.
  • Sherman, R. (2007). Leadership development needs of managers who supervise foreign nurses. Leadership in Health Services, 20(1) 7-15.
  • Sherman, R. & Bishop, M. (2007). Grooming our future leaders. American Nurse Today, 2(1), 24-25.
  • Herrin, D., Jones, K., Krepper, R., Sherman, R. & Reineck, C. (2006). Future nursing administration graduate curricula: Foundations and Strategies. Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(11), 498 505.
  • Sherman, R. (May 31, 2006). Leading a multigenerational workforce: Issues, challenges and strategies. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 11 (2), Manuscript 2. Available at www.nursingworld.org/ojin/topic30/tpc302.htm
  • Sherman, R. (2006). Managing a multigenerational workforce. CE Online Program.Elsevier Publishing Company.
  • Sherman, R. , Stone, B. & Thornton, K. (2006) Why take the call: working with executive search firms. Nurse Leader, 4(2), 28-30.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2005). Don't forget our charge nurses. Nursing Economics, 23 (3), 125-130, 143.
  • Sherman, R.O. (2005). Growing our future nursing leaders. Nursing Administration Quarterly. 29 (2) 126-133. Data Based

Book Chapters

  • Sherman, R. (2014). Writing abstracts for conference podium or poster presentations. The Anatomy of Writing, 2nd ed. Cindy Saver, Indianapolis,IN:
  • Sigma Theta Tau International.
  • Bishop, M. & Sherman, R.O. (2012). Chapter Five: Organizations and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking. The DNP and Professional Practice, ed. Ruth McCaffrey, Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
  • Bishop, M. & Sherman, R. (in press). Chapter Five: Organizations and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking. The DNP and Professional Practice, ed.
  • Ruth McCaffrey, Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. Kupperschmidt, B. & Sherman, R.O. (2011). Carefronting. Nursing Leadership: A Concise Encyclopedia, ed. Feldman, H. et al., New York: Springer Publishers.
  • Sherman, R. (2010). Writing abstracts for conference podium or poster presentations. The Anatomy of Writing, ed. Cindy Saver, Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
  • Sherman, R. & Dyess, S. (2009). Understanding group and individual needs. 101 Global Leadership Lessons for Nursing, ed. Nancy Rollins Gantz. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
  • Lopez-Devine, J. & Sherman, R. (2007). Computer utilization in clinical practice settings. In Barnard, A. & Locsin, R. (Eds.), Technology and Nursing: Practice, Concepts and Issues. (1st ed.,p. ). UK: Palgrave-McMillian. Co. Ltd.
  • Camamanica, L., Cohen, E., Conway-Moran, P, Hychalk, V., Ponte, P.R., Schmidt, K., Sherman, R. & Thompson, P. (2007). Contemporary issues in the healthcare workplace. In Mason, D., Leavitt, J.K. and Chaffee, M. (Eds.) Policy and Politics in Nursing and Healthcare (5th ed.).
  • Sherman, R. & Clark, S. (2007) Achieving practice excellence: Impacting the iron triangle of healthcare through clinical leadership. In Headley,C. (Ed), Nephrology Nursing: A Guide to Professional Development. (2nded).New Jersey: Jannetti Publications.


  • 2020 American Association of Critical Care Nurses Pioneering Spirit Award
  • 2018 American Organization of Nurse Executives Nurse Researcher of the Year
  • 2010 American Academy of Nursing
Additional Information
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing’s academic programs are nationally ranked and grounded in a holistic, caring-based philosophy.
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431