
Petition Policy Forms

Academic petitions requesting exceptions to standards or policies specific to individual colleges or programs that meet or exceed university regulations require approval through the College of Nursing Master’s or Doctoral Committee. The committee meets approximately one time per month during the traditional academic calendar August – May (fall and spring semesters). Colleges may approve or deny these items, without need for them to be seen by the Graduate Studies and Admissions office.

Students may petition to be allowed to repeat a course in which they received a grade less than a B. Specific course grades; however, cannot be appealed except on a claim of malice by the professor.

Graduate Request to Waive a University Regulation

The Graduate Studies office oversees the policies and procedures of the university. Academic petitions such as a request to waive the GRE requirement for admission require the Request to Waive a University Petition Form; this petition is reviewed at the College level and then forwarded to the office of Graduate Studies and Admissions

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Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing’s academic programs are nationally ranked and grounded in a holistic, caring-based philosophy.
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431