Reading Writing Grammar
EAP 0341/2: Level 3 (A2 pre-intermediate)
Goal #1
: Read and understand texts on personal, social, and emerging academic themes at the pre-intermediate level.
Goal #2: Produce well-structured paragraphs with central themes and a range of sentence structures.
Goal #3: Apply knowledge of grammar to verbal and written communication at the pre-intermediate level.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate understanding of pre-intermediate key vocabulary on the topics Places, Festivals and Celebrations, The Internet and Technology, Weather and Climate, Sports and Competition, Business, People, The Universe.
- Use skimming and scanning strategies for main ideas and details.
- Infer meaning from text and determine meaning from context and cues.
- Identify text purpose and text audience.
- Restate main ideas of different reading passages verbally and in writing.
- Distinguish between fact and opinion in pre-intermediate level readings.
- Summarize a reading to demonstrate global comprehension.
- Employ and accurately spell high-frequency words related to topics Places, People, Climate, Sports and Competition, Business, People, The Universe.
- Produce simple, compound, and basic complex sentences with coordinating conjunctions and connectives for reason in Simple Present, Simple Past, and Simple Future.
- Produce structured paragraphs with topic sentences, supporting details, and concluding sentence at the pre-intermediate writing level.
- Write narrative and descriptive paragraphs with topic sentence and supporting details.
- Write a compare and contrast paragraph.
- Write a cause-and-effect paragraph.
- Produce writing with correct mechanics at the pre-intermediate level: correct use of capitalization, commas, periods, question marks, etc.
- Use self-editing skills and teacher feedback to improve paragraph drafts for accuracy, coherence, and cohesion.
- Compose well- structured paragraphs under timed, exam conditions.
- Demonstrate command of Simple Past irregular verbs (no change, vowel change to e, ew, ou, ends in ought, ends in aught) in the affirmative, negative, and question forms
- Demonstrate command of Simple Past vs Past Progressive
- Demonstrate command of be going to and will to express future
- Demonstrate command of basic modals of ability, permission, request
- Demonstrate command of nouns and modifiers including:
- Modifying nouns with adjectives and nouns
- Word order of adjectives
- Linking verbs + adjectives
- Adjectives + adverbs
- Demonstrate knowledge of comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs: more…than; less …than; (not) as….as; more + nouns
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic present, past, and future time clauses
Listening Speaking Pronunciation EAP 0310/2: Level 3
(A2 pre-intermediate)
Goal #1: Develop ability to understand the main points of clear, standard conversational speech, brief simplified academic tasks, and informational audio clips at the pre-intermediate level.
Goal #2: Develop students’ ability to discuss familiar and personal interest topics in a connected way, describe experiences and events, and briefly explain processes in a presentational context.
Goal #3: Develop students’ phonemic and prosodic awareness for comprehensibility and clarity.
Student Learning Outcomes
Listening and Speaking
- Understand vocabulary from audio and video clips on the topics of Places, Festivals and Celebrations, The Internet and Technology, Weather and Climate, Sports and Competition, Business, People, The Universe.
- Ask questions and make requests politely.
- Begin and maintain a conversation or discussion on common everyday topics.
- Participate in classroom discussions about general and pre-academic topics using appropriate vocabulary and register.
- Give 3-4-minute presentations using relevant vocabulary, grammar, structure, and register.
- Identify the main ideas and distinguish relevant supporting details of brief pre-academic listening passages.
- Identify the main ideas and key details expressed in brief conversational passages.
- Utilize notes on short listening passages to demonstrate comprehension.
- Summarize a short listening passage on a topic that has been discussed in class.
- Identify purpose of rising and falling intonation in showing interest or disinterest.
- Demonstrate use of peak vowel focus words and thought groups.
- Listen for and demonstrate ability to produce /s/ /ʃ/Ìý/t͡ʃ/ consonant sounds.
- Listen for and demonstrate emphasis on self-correction words and phrases.
- Demonstrate deliberate use of intonation for emotion and interest.
- Differentiate between words with easily confused sounds.
- Demonstrate awareness of past tense endings /d/ /t/ /id/ /