Reading Writing Grammar
EAP 0241/2: Level 2 (A1 High Beginner)
Goal #1: Develop students鈥 abilities to read and understand texts at the high-beginner level.
Goal #2: Develop students鈥 abilities to produce writing level on familiar topics such as daily life, interests and hobbies, families, and food at the high-beginner level.
Goal #3: Develop students鈥 abilities to apply knowledge of grammar to verbal and written communication at the high-beginner level.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate understanding of high-beginner key vocabulary on the topics People, Climate, Lifestyle, Places, Jobs, Homes and Buildings, Food and Culture, and Transportation.
- Identify main ideas and details in readings at the high-beginner level.
- Identify basic antecedents/referents within sentence and paragraph.
- Identify vocabulary from context.
- Interpret simple charts, maps, and forms in high-beginner level readings.
- Predict content using visuals, headings, and subheadings at the high-beginner level
- Use level-appropriate vocabulary related to writing topics on People, Climate, Lifestyle, Places, Jobs, Homes and Buildings, Food and Culture, and Transportation.
- Produce simple and compound sentences on familiar topics of daily life, interests, hobbies, and on everyday actions, and events using Simple Present and Simple Past.
- Use coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences.
- Produce a unified narrative paragraph.
- Produce a unified descriptive paragraph.
- Summarize a level-appropriate text to demonstrate global understanding.
- Demonstrate level-appropriate use of punctuation such as capital letters, periods, comas, and question marks in paragraphs.
- Produce paragraph writing under timed, exam conditions.
- Demonstrate command of Simple Present in affirmative, negative, and question forms (Yes/No and WH questions).
- Demonstrate command of subject, object and possessive pronouns.
- Demonstrate use of adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency: sometimes, never, often, usually, every day, once a year, etc.
- Demonstrate command of possessive nouns.
- Demonstrate command of Present Progressive in affirmative, negative, and question forms (Yes/No and WH questions).
- Demonstrate command of Simple Past regular and high-frequency irregular verbs (be, do, have, go) in affirmative, negative, and question forms.
- Demonstrate command of tangible count and non-count nouns.
- Demonstrate command of basic quantifiers some, (how) much, (how) many.
- Demonstrate command of the indefinite article (a/an) and basic use of definite article (the).
- Demonstrate command of common prepositions of time and place: at, in, on.
Listening Speaking Pronunciation EAP 0210/2: Level 2 (a1 high Beginner)
#1: Familiarize students with common phrases, requests, responses, and frequently used expressions related to daily interaction.
Goal #2: Develop students鈥 ability to communicate information about familiar topics, simple and routine tasks, participate in classroom conversations and mini presentations.
Goal #3: Increase students鈥 overall comprehensibility and intelligibility.
Student Learning Outcomes
Listening and Speaking
- Understand key vocabulary from audio and video clips on the topics of People, Climate, Lifestyle, Places, Jobs, Homes and Buildings, Food and Culture, Transportation at the high beginner level.
- Participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest.
- Ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations with guidance.
- Give 2鈥3-minute informal presentations on a biographical and social topics in class using the past/present tenses.
- Identify the main ideas and key details of brief informal or conversational listening passages about topics that have been discussed in class.
- Select and/or note key words, phrases, or short sentences from a short listening passage.
- Retell the main points of a simple conversation.
- Replicate peak vowel sounds in focus words.
- Demonstrate awareness of syllable stress and sentence stress.
- Demonstrate intonation in questions and directions.
- Demonstrate ability to pronounce the weak forms of have to/should.
- Demonstrate correct pronunciation of numbers with -teen -ty.
- Produce spoken language with distinction between past tense -d/-ed in regular simple past verbs.
- Pronounce consonant phonemes /p/ /b/ /d/ /t/ /s/ /z/ clearly.