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An eligibility certificate is required before your vendor will be able to process a distribution request. If you need a loan or hardship distribution or would like to transfer your account to a new provider, visit the Retirement Manager website to obtain an eligibility certificate prior to completing your 403(b) vendors distribution paperwork. Does this change impact my 457(b) plan too? No. Should you need a loan from your 457(b) deferred compensation plan or request a distribution for an unforeseen emergency, you will not need to visit Retirement Manager to make the request. Your 457(b) plan transactions will continue to be handled by the state of Florida and each vendor. What do I do if a need to make a distribution request? Visit Retirement Manager and follow the prompts on the screen  HYPERLINK "https://www.myretirementmanager.com/?fau" https://www.myretirementmanager.com/?fau Print the certificate of eligibility for your requested distribution Forward signed paperwork to your 403(b) vendor for processing Sleep well knowing that your distribution is compliant with IRS regulations! How can I find out more? Please see the attached guides or view the attached 5 minute presentation to view a demonstration of the site and learn how to get started using Retirement Manager.  HYPERLINK "http://www.brainshark.com/valic/LandH-Presentation-Exchange" http://www.brainshark.com/valic/LandH-Presentation-Exchange  New Procedures for Processing Distributions from Your Tax Sheltered Accounts 3456& . / @ A 彵塝ykcZQF>FhiCJaJhZh"gCJaJhZh0JhZh"g0JhZhq5hZh0J5CJ aJ hZh,0J5CJ aJ hZh=&0J5CJ aJ hqCJaJh=hqjh=&h=&B* Uph -h=&B* ph -jh=&B* Uph -$jh:0hZB* Uph -h:0B* ph -jh:0B* Uph -jhu7UmHnHu/ c +_viii  & F$IfgdWH? $If^gdWH? $IfgdWH?$If$If $$Ifa$gdZMkd $IfK$L$$ 6@$634ae4yt0$IfK$$If  Y g p K a b c   R +,8ֿ㜍ysyj_SKhf+|CJaJjhf+|CJUaJhZhWH?CJaJhZhq0J hW0JhZhWH?0JhZhCJaJhZh0J5B*phhf+|0J5B*phhZhq0JCJaJhi0JCJaJhZh3 0JCJaJh_W0JCJaJhZh"g0JCJaJhZh0JhZh"g0JhZhqCJaJ8<bcd_wxy itltlt_TM hZh: jhZh: UhZhq0JCJaJh\CJaJhZh8MCJaJhZhqCJaJhZhq0JhZhWH?0JhZh<LCJaJhCJaJh<LCJaJhZhWH?CJaJhhf+|0JCJaJjhf+|CJUaJ#j` hhf+|CJUaJhf+|CJaJhf+|hf+|CJaJ_4^kdX$IfK$L$T./&  &634` ap yt0T$IfK$Mkd $IfK$L$q $ 6@$634ae4yt0$If\$^gd FpK$$Ifijk澳xd`h~t&h15B* CJOJQJ^JaJph3&hz'5B* CJOJQJ^JaJph3,hzoh![5B* CJOJQJ^JaJph3h![hqCJaJhqhZhqCJaJ)h FphqB* CJOJQJ^JaJph$hZh: 0JCJOJQJ^JaJjhZh: Ujy hZh: U$a$gd=&gd FpUkd$$IfT`'  '634` ap ytqT$If:&P1h/R :p]*/ =!"#$% DyK yK Jhttps://www.myretirementmanager.com/+ Dd  c Av &http://www.hr.duke.edu/benefits/images/retirement_mgr2.gifRetirement ManagerbE,hԛ2nE,hԛPNG  IHDRR%e`PLTEֳChpFtnnnWWW3f4HUbKGDH cmPPJCmp0712HsIDAThC[8@Dܪp){oNR݄cs4kQnڄa>%`A}KOtl8?n~\^Q^,b~׋̠M0wΏmz6Xևz\}1M0IY.RȲز'qItGb[kh޺l;M~wDc`d49dEkGD]%CӃP6: N9>(BRd /d WEch$Lq !! 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