November 2, 2011

University Graduate
Programs Committee Agenda
Time: 2:00 pm听听听听 Place: SU 80 Room 113
1) Call to Order, and Sign In
2) Brief Announcements and Discussions
3) Review and Approval of Minutes of the October 5, 2011 Meeting
4) Review and Action Regular the Following Curriculum Proposals

New items for November 2, 2011 below
Course Title College (Department) Credit Action
Reviewers by College: (Nursing, CDSI)
CST 7309 Theory and Criticism A & L 3 Change
CST 7910 Advanced Research and Study A & L 3 Change
CST 7936 Interdisciplinary Perspectives A & L 3 New
MUH 6688 Seminar in Historical Styles A & L 1 Change
FRW 6541 French Modernism/La Modernite A & L 3 New
SPN 6795 Spanish Phonology and Dialectology A & L N/A Change
Proposal Change Admission Requirements for All Applicants to the MA and MAT degree in department of LLCL A & L N/A N/A
Proposal PhD. In Comparative Studies: Cultures, Languages, and Literatures A & L N/A N/A
Memo MFA Application Deadline Change A & L N/A N/A
Reviewers by College: (Arts and Letters, CDSI)
EDG 7250 Constructing Models of School Curriculum Education N/A Change
Reviewers by College: (Nursing, Science)

Recency of Credit Requirements for the MS in Biomedical Science Program

Biomedical N/A N/A
Reviewers by College: (Education, Library)
ISM 6123

Advanced Systems Analysis and Design

Business 3 New
ISM 6217

Database Management Systems

Business 3 New