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Curriculum Items College of Arts & Letters Reviewers: CAUPA/NursingCRW 6236Creative Nonfiction WorkshopNewCRW 6920Creative Writing SymposiumNewENG 6920English SymposiumNewPHI 6458Philosophy of PsychiatryNewPHM 6035Environmental Philosophy: The Idea of Wilderness in the 21st CenturyChange (Title)College of Business Reviewers: Education/LibraryISM 6172IT Investment Planning and EvaluationNewISM 6316IT Project and Change ManagementNewISM 6328Information Security ManagementNewISM 6368Enterprise Information Technology Service ManagementNewISM 6509Information Technology Sourcing ManagementNewCollege of Education Reviewers: Arts & Letters/ CAUPASPA 6825Current Research In Communication DisordersNewSCE 6045CPerspectives of Environmental EducationNewCollege of Engineering Reviewers: Arts & Letters/ EducationIDS 6147Innovative thinkingNewMemorandumProposed Changes To Ph.D. ProgramProposed Changes To Direct Path Ph.D. ProgramCollege of Science Reviewers: Biomedical Science/ Engineering GEO 6118Geographic Thought & ResearchChange (Title)GEO 6209Seminar In Physical GeographyTerminateGEO 6337Culture, Conservation, & Land UseNewGEO 6428Seminar In Cultural GeographyTerminateGEO 6509Seminar In Economic GeographyTerminateGEO 6908Directed Independent StudyChange (Grading)GEO 6918Graduate ResearchNewGLY 5240Environmental GeochemistryNewGLY 5243Advanced Environmental GeochemistryChange (Course #)GLY 6908Directed Independent StudyChange (Credits & Grading) Motion to accept SCE 6045C was approved by Chase, seconded by Glazer with the Committee concurring unanimously. Zilouchian stated concerns as to what level of consultation occurred between College of Business and College of Engineering. The Committee believed that this is a programmatic issue and consultation at that departmental level may be appropriate. Motion to accept ISM 6172 and ISM 6316 contingent upon submission of revised syllabi identifying what constitutes an F were approved by Barron, seconded by Morris with the Committee approving (6-1). Motion to accept ISM 6328 contingent upon separation of Objective and Description on the syllabus was approved by Barron, seconded by Morris with the Committee approving (6-1). The Committee unanimously recommended that ISM 6368 be tabled because of the lack of a reading list. Motion to accept ISM 6509 was approved by Barron, seconded by Morris with the Committee approving (6-1). Motion to accept GEO 6118, GEO 6209, GEO 6337, GEO 6428, GEO 6509, GEO 6908, GEO 6918, GLY 5240, GLY 5243 and GLY 6908 were approved by Niederhausen, seconded by Hamlin with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept CRW 6236 was approved by Hamlin, seconded by Niederhausen with the Committee concurring unanimously. McDaniel recommended CRW 6920 be tabled because of an incomplete syllabus, lacking a course description, bibliography and the required number of contact hours (15 hours or equivalent for a 1 credit course). Motion to table ENG 6920 pending consultation with departments was approved by Glazer, seconded by Barron with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept PHI 6458 contingent upon submission of support letters from other departments was approved by Glazer, seconded by Chase with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept PHM 6035 was approved by Chase, seconded by Hamlin with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept SPA 6825 contingent upon submission of the bibliography was approved by Morris, seconded by Chase with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept IDS 6147 was approved by Morris, seconded by Chase with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept Proposed Changes to Ph.D. Program and Proposed Changes to Direct Path Ph.D. Program were approved by Hamlin, seconded by Glazer with the Committee concurring unanimously. The Proposed Changes to Direct Path Ph.D. Program reads as follows: Students in the MS Program at ý Students must apply for the Direct-Path Ph.D. program within the first year of graduate studies. Students who do not satisfy the GRE or GPA requirements stated above must obtain approval from the department and the college graduate Committees and from the Division of Graduate Studies overseeing the graduate program before being admitted to the Direct-Path Ph.D. program. Degree Requirements A minimum of 39 dissertation credit hours.  HYPERLINK "http://graduate.fau.edu/gpc/040407/Direct-Path%20Ph%20D%20%20Program%20(final%203-30-07).doc" http://graduate.fau.edu/gpc/040407/Direct-Path%20Ph%20D%20%20Program%20(final%203-30-07).doc  HYPERLINK "http://graduate.fau.edu/gpc/040407/Ph%20D-proposed-changes(final%203-30-07).doc" http://graduate.fau.edu/gpc/040407/Ph%20D-proposed-changes(final%203-30-07).doc III. 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