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Curriculum Items RTV 6417Gender and Screen CulturesNewADE 6387Workplace Learning and DevelopmentNewPET 5392Comprehensive Concepts of Strength and ConditioningNewADE 7930Advanced Seminar n Adult/Community EducationNewPCB 6849Cellular Neuroscience and DiseaseNew3 CCRsITOM Course Change RequestsChangeMAN 6874Technology Commercialization StrategiesNewBME 6905Directed Independent StudyNewBME 6971Masters Thesis: BioengineeringNewEEL 5426Microwave EngineeringNew RTV 6417 was approved unanimously by the committee. ADE 6387, PET 5392, and ADE 7930 were passed unanimously by the committee, contingent upon the addition of both the ADA statement and the University Honor Code to each syllabus. PCB 6849 was tabled by the committee for the following reasons: no correspondence from other departments confirming the course does not overlap with courses already offered, the course description on the syllabus needs to match the course description on the proposal form and in the catalog, there were a number of typographical errors as well. The three ITOM course change requests (MAN 6526, MAN 6525, QMB 6603) were approved unanimously by the committee. MAN 6874 was tabled again at this meeting due to an inappropriate grading scale, an incomplete bibliography, no ADA or honor code language, and problems with the course description on the syllabus and form. BME 6905 and BME 6971 were approved unanimously by the committee and EEL 5426 was tabled for lack of ADA language, lack of honor code language, no meeting times listed, not enough structure, and no information about how readings are connected with discussion topics. Certificate Information: The committee members agreed to discuss the information about certificate programs offered in their colleges at the January 2009 meeting. 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