ࡱ> #`  bjbj 8)DDD8D\E,{PGPG"rGrGrGMHMHMH$;hj NMHMHNN rGrG5QQQNrGrGQNQQFvzyrGDG MQDMOpbw"LK0{w O Dzyzy8 yMHJ:Q?K;LMHMHMH PdMHMHMH{NNNN(//  Minutes University Graduate Programs Committee November 14, 2007 Present: William McDaniel (Chair), Business Presiding; Maria Berenbaum, Library; Susan Chase, Nursing; Ali Zilouchian, Engineering; Elwood Hamlin II, CAUPA; Charles Roberts, Science; Xupei Huang, Biomedical Science; Ben Lowe, Arts & Letters Absent: John Morris, Education; Barry Rosson, Graduate College Others Present: Susan Fulks, Graduate College; Russ Ivy, Science; Linda Webb, Education The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Dr. McDaniel. Minutes from the October 10, 2007 meeting were approved unanimously by the Committee. Curriculum Items Reviewers by College: CAUPA, NursingAMH 5902Readings in Florida HistoryChangeAMH 5905Readings in American HistoryChangeAMH 6935Seminar in Florida HistoryChangeAMH 6939Seminar in United States HistoryChangeEUH 5905Readings in European HistoryChangeEUH 6939Seminar in European HistoryChangeMemoMemo for History CoursesN/AHIS 5060The Historical ExperienceChangeHIS 5289Readings in Comparative HistoryChangeHIS 5903Readings in Public HistoryChangeHIS 5904Readings in Comparative HistoryChangeHIS 5909Directed Independent StudyChangeHIS 6939Seminar in Comparative HistoryChangeLAH 5902Readings in Latin American HistoryChangeLAH 6938Seminar in Latin American HistoryChangeWOH 6937Seminar in World HistoryChangeWHO 5935Readings in World HistoryChangeMemoTranslations Study TrackN/AMemoTranslations Study Track OutlineN/ALetterTranslations Studies Track LetterN/AProposalTranslations Studies Track ProposalN/ASupportTranslations Studies Track SupportN/AFRT 5801French/English Translation: Theory and PracticeNewFRT 5802French/English Translation: WorkshopNewFRW 6199Historie LitteraireNewITT 5801Italian/English Translation: Theory and PracticeNewITT 5802Italian/English Translation: WorkshopNewLIT 6800History and Theory of TranslationNewLIT 6801Topics in Translation StudiesNewSPT 5801Spanish/English Translation: Theory and PracticeNewSPT 5802Spanish/English Translation: WorkshopNewMUH 6396Review of Music Western Civilizations INewProposal FormBibliographyMUH 6398Review of Music Western Civilizations IINewProposal FormBibliographySPC 6639Feminist Rhetorical TheoryNewSPC 6648Rhetoric and Democracy in Societies in TransitionNewReviewers by College: Education, LibraryCorrespondenceEconomics GMATN/AMinutesReviewers by College: Library, ScienceSOW 6243Family and Child Welfare Services: Practice, Programs and PolicyChangeReviewers by College: A&L, EducationProposalProposed Minor Revision o the MS Degree Programs in Computer Science and EngineeringN/ACCE 6036Civil Engineering Construction ManagementNewCWR 6226Piping and Pumping DesignNewEOC 6312Ocean and Seabed AcousticsNewEOC 6508Experimental Marine HydrodynamicsNewEOC 6515Hydrodynamic Aspects of Ship DesignNewEOC 6815Marine Power-Plant Design and OptimizationNewTTE 6216`Highway Traffic Characteristics and MeasurementNewTTE 6506Urban Public TransportationNewTTE 6607Transportation Systems AnalysisNewTTE 6700Railroad Engineering DesignNewReviewers by College: Biomedical Science, EngineeringGeosciencesRequest to Offer a New Degree ProgramNew Motion to accept changes in prerequisites for AMH 5902, AMH 5905, AMH 6939, AMH 6935, EUH 5905, EUH 6939, HIS 5060, HIS 5289, HIS 5903, HIS 5904, HIS 5909, HIS 6939, LAH 5902, LAH 6938, WHO 6937, and WHO 5935 was approved by Chase, and seconded by Hamlin, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept new Translations Studies Track and courses FRT 5801, FRT 5802, FRW 6199, ITT 5801, ITT 5802, LIT 6800, LIT 6801, SPT 5801, and SPT 5802 was approved by Chase, and seconded by Hamlin, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept MUH 6396 and MUH 6398 was approved by Chase, and seconded by Hamlin, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept SPC 6639 and SPC 6648 was approved by Chase, and seconded by Hamlin, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept CRW 6920 and ENG 6920 was approved by Chase, and seconded by Hamlin, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept lowering the GMAT requirement for the Masters of Economics to 450 was approved by Hamlin, and seconded by Chase, with the Committee approving (7-1). Motion to accept a name change for SOW 6243 was approved by Roberts and seconded by Zilouchian, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept a revision to the Minor for the MS degree programs in Computer Science and Engineering was approved by Lowe and seconded by Zilouchian with the Committee concurring unanimously. Lowe mentioned syllabi for new Engineering courses did not always contain reading lists or outline of topics to be covered in each class session. McDaniel asked whether CCE 6306 had a reading list. There are some typographical errors in the new course proposal. CCE 6036 was tabled for spelling errors on the proposal form, an incorrect course prefix, and no reading list. CWR 6226 was tabled because it had no reading list. Motion to accept EOC 6312, EOC 6508, EOC 6515, and EOC 6815 was approved by Hamlin and seconded by Roberts, with the committee concurring unanimously. TTE 6216, TTE 6506, and TTE 6607 were tabled because there were no reading lists and minor typographical errors in the syllabi. Motion to accept TTE 6700 was approved by Hamlin and seconded by Lowe, with the committee concurring unanimously. The committee discussed the Request to Offer a New Degree Program from the College of Science (Ph.D. in Geosciences). Russ Ivy spoke briefly about the new degree program and fielded questions from the committee. Hamlin commented that the quality of the proposal was outstanding. Ivy spoke about internship possibilities and fellowship opportunities to come as a result of this degree program. Motion to accept the Geosciences Ph.D. proposal was approved by Hamlin and seconded by Chase, with the committee concurring unanimously. III. The Committee adjourned at 2:30 p.m.     PAGE  -  PAGE 1 - &/0;<@ABCDLMTUopz{Ƚ||xqjfb[bTbbb hZahR hRhRhRhG3 hG3hG3 hZah`hvhKG hZahKGhH, hAh{D;hAhH5\ h{D;5\hAh{D;5\nHo(tHhG35\nHtHh$b5\nHtHh)X5\nHtHh|5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\hAh{D;5\ h5\  0BCD5 < |   o p  & Fgdlgd = & Fgd,gdsy 0^`0gdsy ^`gdG3  ^` gdKG 0^`0gd ]$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;  4 ; < A B C E I \ {      4 : žź}si_XQ hsy5\ h~C5\hH,h{K\5\hH,h25\hH,hsy5\h;]5\nHtHhsy5\nHtH h1\ h0\ h ]\ h2"5\hAh{D;5\ hG3hhP)Z hZahvhv h ]5\ h5\ hEC5\ hP)Z5\h?h=YhsyhRh ] h?!hR: ; D H P d m n o p {       : õ{s{s{os{s{s{gs{_{hWVhI5hOh ]5h ]hWVh ]5 h~C5hWVhU5 h ]5\hWVhpW5hWVh^b 5\hWVhpW5\hWVhl5\hWVhpW5\nHtH h =5\ h395\ hXGP5\hH,h`;5\hH,hH,5\hH,h25\hH,h6?B5\# md $Ifgdkd$$Ifl0$h t0h%644 laytJ $Ifgdjp^pgdpW lcWc d$IfgdPM $IfgdPMkdi$$IflF7$h; t0h%6    44 laytJ   lcWQ$If d$IfgdP. $Ifgdjkd$$IflF7$h; t0h%6    44 laytJ  ; B lcWQ$If d$IfgdP. $Ifgdjkdm$$IflF7$h; t0h%6    44 laytJ: ; A B C K L l m s t u } ~      & ' F G M N O W X r s y z { h&hTh&5hWVh&5h ]hI5h~ChI5h~Ch ]5h~Ch~C5 h ]5hWVh ]5hWVhI5hIhI5 h~C5 hI5@B C L m t lcWQ$If d$IfgdP. $Ifgdjkd$$IflF7$h; 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