ࡱ> y hbjbj 8{{<+~~8$|4a"J`ababababababa$cfaaJHajJ`a`aBDET@."HC&Laa0anC1g1gLEED1gG|aaa1g~ :  Minutes University Graduate Programs Committee November 7, 2012 Present: Joanne Parandjuk, Library; Elwood Hamlin II, CDSI; Nancy Poulson, Arts and Letters; Charles Roberts, Science; William Rhodes, Engineering; Ruth McCaffrey, Nursing; Allen Smith, Business; Gail Burnaford, Education; LaTasha Lee, GPSA; Ramon Garcia-Areas, GPSA Guests: Julie Sivigny: Medicine Absent: Marc Kantorow: Medicine Others Present: Barry Rosson, Graduate College; Nancy Diamond, Graduate College The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Nancy Poulson Brief Announcements and Discussions: There were no announcements. The discussion on the proposed Program Change Request began, and the only correction was to divide the line with Department and College to be equally distributed. The committee approved unanimously pending the correction. The minutes of the October 10, 2012 meeting were approved unanimously by the committee. Review and Action Regular the Following Curriculum Proposal New items for November 7, 2012 below Course #TitleCollege/Dept.CreditsActionReviewers by College: Medicine, Business, Engineering)MemoChange Course Requirements-Experimental Psychology PhD. degreeScienceN/AN/AMemo Change Course Requirements for Psychology M.A degreeScienceN/AN/AENC 6258Scientific CommunicationScience2ChangeGIS 6125Spatial Data AnalysisScience3NewCHM 5716Environmental GeophysicsScience3NewISC 5453Nonlinear Dynamics in Complex SystemsScience3NewReviewers by College: (Business, Engineering)MemoTerminate- BSN/MS Dual Degree ProgramNursingN/AN/AMemoChange Track Name-Administrative & Financial Leadership in Nursing and HealthcareNursingN/AN/AMemoChange Program Name- Master of Science (MS) Major in NursingNursingN/AN/AReviewers by College: (Arts and Letters, CDSI)ProposalProgram Revision- Mental Health Counseling ProgramEducationN/AN/AEDA 6946Spring School Leaders InternshipEducationN/AChangeEDA 6945Fall School Leaders InternshipEducationN/AChangeEDA 6947Summer School Leaders InternshipEducationN/AChangeReviewers by College: (Science, Library)SOW 6979Thesis ResearchCDSIN/AChangeSOW 6971Thesis ProposalCDSIN/AChangeReviewers by College: (Science, Library)ProposalBS/BBA MIS-MSITM ProgramBusinessN/AN/AProposalEstablish Certificate in MathematicsBusinessN/AN/AACG 7886Scientific Method in BusinessBusiness3NewBUL 6644Advanced Administrative LawBusiness3NewHSA 6106Global Issues in Healthcare DeliveryBusiness3NewHAS 6127Managed Health CareBusiness3 NewMAN 6296Leadership and OrganizationBusiness3NewMAN 7886Scientific Method in BusinessBusiness3NewACG 5205Advanced Accounting 1BusinessN/AChangeACG 5215Advanced Accounting 2BusinessN/AChangeACG 6941InternshipBusiness1-3ChangeECP 6705Advanced Managerial EconomicsBusiness3ChangeTAX 6835Deferred Compensation TaxationBusiness3ChangeTAX 6875Contemporary Tax TopicsBusiness3 ChangeTAX 6877IRS Practice & ProceduresBusiness3ChangeReviewers by College: (Nursing, CDSI) Library)MemoThesis-track RequirementsBusinessN/AN/A Memo- Change Course Requirements- Experimental Psychology PhD. Degree and M.A. degree were approved unanimously by the committee. ENC 6258 was unanimously approved by the committee pending shortening the description of the course to 3 lines. GIS 6125, CHM 5716, GLY 6456 and ISC 5453 were approved unanimously by the committee. The Memo to terminate BSN/MS Dual degree Program was tabled after Dr. Rosson suggested they revisit the reason for the termination and to be sure that the reasons for the termination were specific enough. Rosson suggested meeting with Shirley Gordon to discuss some changes to the BSN/MS that might be made to save the Dual Degree Program... The Memo to Change Track Name Administrative & Financial Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare was unanimously approved by the committee. The Memo Change Program Name- Master of Science (MS) Major in Nursing was unanimously approved by the committee. The Proposal Program Revision-Mental Health Counseling Program was unanimously approved by the committee. EDA 6946, EDA 6947, EDA 6945 were unanimously approved by the committee. SOW 6979, SOW 6971 were unanimously approved by the committee. The Proposal for BS/BBA MIS- MSITM Program was asked to tabled by the college for some changes, and will be presented at the January meeting. The Proposal to Establish Certificate in Mathematics was tabled. Science should check with the Math department as to what courses should be required, and check the prerequisites. They should also see if Mathematics will go along with having some 4000 level courses cross listed as 5000 level courses. It was suggested that maybe other Colleges would be interested in Certificate Programs. ACG 7886, BUL 6644, MAN 7886, ACG 5205, ACG 5215, ACG 6941, ECP 6705, TAX 6835, TAX 6875, TAX 6877 were unanimously approved by the committee. HSA 6106, HSA 6127 were tabled. Memos from the College of Nursing and the Department of Anthropology in Arts and Letters, and the College of Medicine should be submitted signing off that there is no conflict of interest with this course. MAN 6296 was tabled. A memo from Education, CDSI, and Nursing should be submitted that there is no conflict of interest with this course. . The Memo- A change to the Thesis track requirement to take the RCR workshops was unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm. The next meeting to will be January 16, 2013.     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