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The minutes of the October 5, 2011 meeting were approved unanimously by the committee. Review and Action Regular the Following Curriculum Proposal Reviewers by College: (Nursing, CDSI) CST 7309 Theory and Criticism A & L3ChangeCST 7910Advanced Research and StudyA & L3ChangeCST 7936Interdisciplinary PerspectivesA & L3NewMUH 6688Seminar in Historical StylesA & L1ChangeFRW 6541French Modernism/La ModerniteA & L3 NewSPN 6795Spanish Phonology and DialectologyA & LN/AChangeProposalChange Admission Requirements for All Applicants to the MA and MAT degree in department of LLCLA & LN/AN/AProposalPHD. In Comparative Studies: Cultures, Languages, and LiteraturesA & LN/AN/AMemoMFA Application Deadline ChangeA & LN/AN/AReviewers by College: (Arts & Letters, CDSI) EDG 7250Constructing Models of School CurriculumEducationN/AChangeReviewers by College: (Nursing, Science) MemoRecency of Credit Requirements for the MS in Biomedical Science ProgramBiomedicalN/AN/AReviewers by College: (Education, Library)ISM 6217 Database Management SystemsBusiness3NewISM 6123Advanced Systems Analysis and DesignBusiness3NewCST 7309 Theory and Criticism was approved with changes to be made: Add the catalogue description to the syllabus and title page, and that there were four enrollments allowed for the series and the course will have variable subtitles. CST 7910 Advanced Research and Study- was tabled. There were changes numerous changes to me made. CST 7936 - Interdisciplinary Perspectives - was approved with changes to be made: Course may be repeated up to 4 times, and should have the catalogue description in the syllabus. MUH 6688-Seminar in Historical Styles- was unanimously approved by the committee. FRW 6541 French Modernism/La Modernite was approved with changes to be made: Course description was too long, and they should add the catalogue description to the syllabus, and change the title to read only French Modernism. SPN 6795 Spanish Phonology and Dialectology The course was approved with changes: Adding the catalogue description to the syllabus. Proposal Changes Admission Requirements for all applicants to the MA and MAT degree in department of LLCL was unanimously approved by committee. Proposal PHD in Comparative Studies: Cultures, Languages, and Literatures was tabled and to be brought back at the next meeting with various changes to be made. Memo MFA Application Deadline Change was unanimously approved by the committee. EDG 7250 - Constructing Models of School Curriculum was unanimously approved by the committee. Memo- Recency of Credit Requirements for the MS in Biomedical Science Program was unanimously approved by the committee. ISM 6123 Advanced Systems Analysis and Design, and ISM 6217 Database Management Systems - were unanimously approved by the committee. The committee adjourned at 4:20 pm The next meeting will be November 30, 2011.     PAGE  -  PAGE 4 - &/0:@ABCDLMfgwy Ƚzvrnrvjfb^Zh h;hh ah h$qhShB4hw hZahfeh 'h8 he\hlQhbGhwR hAh{D;hAhH5\ h6^5\h6^5\nHtHh5\nHtHhlQ5\nHtHh ^5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\ h5\hAh{D;5\! 0ABCD ! Y Z [ B C D ^gdn & Fgd rgdPgdsygdfegd{gdJXgd gdSgd4c $ a$gdP$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;  ! 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