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Practice has evolved to only requiring a syllabus when substantial changes are made to that syllabus. Roberts moved to support this change in practice; Hamlin seconded the motion. Chase moved that once the amendment is approved by the committee, that the most recent version of the syllabus be filed with the Registrars Office electronically. Hamlin seconded this motion with the committee approving unanimously. A syllabus is not required to be submitted prior to the GPC meeting for course change requests unless there is a substantive change to that syllabus. Lowe asked if the Provosts Memorandum regarding disabilities clause would change current practices of GPC. Curriculum Items M.A. Qualifying Exam (History Department)N/AEBD 5246Students with Autism: Characteristics and InterventionChangeEEX 5015Survey and Assessment in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special EducationChangeEEX 5051The Exceptional IndividualChangeEEX 5245Methods in Early Childhood Exceptional Special EducationChangeEEX 5602Behavior Change and Management StrategiesChangeEEX 5612Applied Behavioral AnalysisChangeEEX 5661Managing Curriculum and Behavior in the Inclusive ClassroomChangeEEX 5755Family and Community Resources in Early Childhood Exceptional Student EducationChangeEEX 5841Graduate Teaching Practicum in ESEChangeEEX 6027Seminar in Special EducationChangeEEX 6056Theories and Characteristics of Individuals Served in Varying Exceptionalities ProgramChangeEEX 6065Transition Planning for Individuals with DisabilitiesChangeEEX 6121Teaching Language to the Exceptional IndividualChangeEEX 6225Profiling of the Exceptional IndividualChangeEEX 6247Designing Program for Individuals Served in Varying Exceptionalities ProgramsChangeEEX 6259Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies InterventionNewEEX 6707Early Intervention ServicesChangeEEX 6863Graduate Internship: Varying ExceptionalitiesChangeEEX 6942Field Project in Exceptional Student EducationNewEEX 7055Learning and Behavioral Characteristics of Exceptional IndividualsNewEEX 7341Doctoral Seminar: Exceptional Student EducationNewEEX 7526Grant WritingNewEEX 7618Advanced Applied Behavior AnalysisNewEEX 7945InternshipNewEGI 5302Theories and Characteristics of the Gifted IndividualNewEGI 6235Designing Programs for Gifted IndividualsNew M.A. Qualifying Exam (History): Chase commented that the last two sentences of the document seemed out of order. Lowe agreed that those sentences should be switched. Chase moved to approve the Qualifying Exam for the M.A. in History. This was seconded by Hamlin and approved unanimously by the committee. Course changes to EEX courses: The committee unanimously approved all 26 EEX course change requests. III. 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