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Curriculum Items Reviewers by College: CAUPA, NursingCRW 6920Creative Writing SymposiumNewENG 6920English SymposiumNewMemoCourse RestrictionsN/AReviewers by College: Education, LibraryACG 5205Advanced Accounting IChangeACG 5215Advanced Accounting IIChangeACG 5386Business and Financial AnalysisChangeACG 5505Government Accounting TheoryChangeACG 5677Internal AuditingChangeACG 6027Financial Accounting ConceptsChangeACG 6135Advanced Accounting TheoryChangeACG 6137Financial Reporting and Accounting ConceptsChangeACG 6138Advanced Financial Reporting and Accounting ConceptsChangeACG 6175Financial Statement AnalysisChangeACG 6275International AccountingChangeACG 6347Cost Accounting Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6367Advanced Cost Accounting Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6465Accounting for e-CommerceChangeACG 6475Advanced Accounting Information SystemsChangeACG 6595Accounting and Governmental RegulationChangeACG 6625EDP AuditingChangeACG 6635Auditing Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6655Advanced Auditing Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6675Operational AuditingChangeACG 6686CBusiness Valuation for Forensic AccountantsNewACG 6815Accounting ResearchChangeACG 6941InternshipChangeACG 7646Seminar in AuditingChangeISM 6237E-Commerce and Internet Business ApplicationsChangeMAR 6456CAdvanced Industrial MarketingChangeMemoMIS Concentration for MBA ProgramN/AOMC for MBAOperations Management Concentration for MBA ProgramN/AOtherCollege of Business Catalog ChangesN/AOtherGraduate Council MinutesN/AReviewers by College: Arts & Letters, CAUPASCE 6196Design, Implementation, and Assessment of Environmental Education CurriculumChangeSCE 6344Advanced Methods in Environmental EducationChangeSCE 6644Trends and Issues in Environmental EducationChangeReviewers by College: Arts & Letters, EducationRevision CSEProposed Revision of CSE Dept. (COE)N/AReviewers by College: Biomedical Science, EngineeringNGR 7124Theory Guided Models for Advanced Practice NursingNewNGR 7672Emerging Therapies of Care in Advanced Nursing PracticeNewNGR 7793Health Care Systems Leadership and FinanceNewNGR 7798DNP Residency and CAPSTONE ProjectNewNGR 7826Evaluating Systems and Models of Care in Advanced Practice NursingNewNGR 7831Population Based Caring in Aging SocietiesNewNGR 7850Research for Advanced Practice NursingNewNGR 7937Doctor of Nursing Practice Seminar INewNGR 7938Doctor of Nursing Practice Seminar IINewNGR 7939Doctor of Nursing Practice Seminar IIINewProposalProposed Curriculum for the DNP ProgramN/AGEO 6318Plants and PeopleNewGIS 6127Hyperspectral Remote SensingNew Motion to accept the Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree was approved by Zilouchian, seconded by Huang, and approved unanimously by the Committee. The Committee also unanimously approved the following new courses as part of the DNP new degree program: NGR 7124, NGR 7672, NGR 7793, NGR 7798, NGR 7826, NGR 7831, NGR 7850, NGR 7937, NGR 7938, and NGR 7939. Motion to approve these ten courses was approved by Huang and seconded by Scheide, with the Committee concurring unanimously. These courses were approved contingent upon the syllabi being fixed to reflect the course numbers assigned by the Registrar. McDaniel also recommended changing the word Finance in the course NGR 7793, Health Care Systems Leadership and Finance. Motion to accept CRW 6920 and ENG 6920 was approved by Chase, and seconded by Hamlin, with the Committee concurring unanimously. The Memo from Arts & Letters regarding course restrictions was tabled because each course listed needs to have a course change request form submitted, with prerequisites listing that instructor permission is required for non-degree-seeking students in that program. Motion to accept BMS 6523 was approved by Roberts and seconded by Chase, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept the following course change requests was approved by Morris, seconded by Chase, with the Committee concurring unanimously: ACG 5205, ACG 5215, ACG 5386, ACG 5505, ACG 5677, ACG 6027, ACG 6135, ACG 6137, ACG 6138, ACG 6175, ACG 6275, ACG 6347, ACG 6367, ACG 6465, ACG 6475, ACG 6595, ACG 6625, ACG 6635, ACG 6655, ACG 6675, ACG 6815, ACG 6941, and ACG 7646. Motion to accept ACG 6686 was approved by Morris, seconded by Chase, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept the changes to ISM 6237 and MAR 6456C was approved by Morris, seconded by Scheide, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept the M.B.A. concentrations in Operations Management and Management Information Systems was approved by Morris, seconded by Scheide, with the Committee concurring unanimously. The Committee voted to accept the College of Business Catalog Changes to delete both the Leisure Time Industries Track from theM.S. Program in Economics and the Energy Economics Executive MBA Program. (8,1) The request to change the minimum GMAT requirement for admission to the M.S. Economics from 500 to 450 in order to create equivalency with the minimum 1000 GRE option was tabled and referred to the University Graduate Council for discussion. Motion to accept SCE 6196, SCE 6344, and SCE 6644 was approved by Hamlin, seconded by Lowe, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept the proposed revision to the M.S. degree program in the College of Science and Engineering was approved by Lowe, seconded by Hamlin, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept GEO 6318 and GIS 6127 was approved by Zilochian, seconded by Huang, with the Committee concurring unanimously. III. The Committee adjourned at 2:57 p.m.     PAGE  -  PAGE 1 - &/0:;?@ABCKLSTnoyz~Ƚ||unjf_XTPhRhG3 hG3hG3 hZah`h ]h` hZah{D; hZah?hKG hZahKGhH, hAh{D;hAhH5\ h{D;5\hAh{D;5\nHo(tHhG35\nHtHh$b5\nHtHh)X5\nHtHhsy5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\hAh{D;5\ h5\ 0ABCK R \ a   ` a r  & Fgdlgd = & Fgd,gdsy 0^`0gdsy ^`gdG3  ^` gdKG 0^`0gd ]$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;M!v!  0 J Q R W X Y [ ` a p q    žxndZhH,h{K\5\hH,h25\hH,hsy5\hsy5\nHtH h1\ hsy\ h ]\h2B h2B\ h2"5\hAh{D;5\ hG3hhP)Z h ]5\ h5\ hEC5\ hP)Z5\h?h=Yhsyh ] h?!hRhH, hZahRhR hRhR" + , 5 9 A U ^ _ ` a l r üytltld`l[l[l[ShOh ]5 hO5h ]h h ]5hWVh ]5 h ]5hWVhU5 h ]5\hWVhpW5hWVh^b 5\hWVhpW5\hWVhl5\hWVhpW5\nHtH h =5\ h395\ hXGP5\hH,h`;5\hH,hH,5\hH,h25\hH,h6?B5\ hsy5\ r md $Ifgdkd$$Ifl04$ t0h%644 laytsz $Ifgdjp^pgdpW lcWc d$IfgdPM $IfgdPMkdi$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz lcWQ$If d$IfgdP. $Ifgdjkd$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz   lcWQ$If d$IfgdP. $Ifgdjkdm$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz         C D G H I Q R g h n o p x y      " # , @ A G H I Q R l m s t u } h{5 hS`R5h&hTh&5hWVh&5 h&5h 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