ࡱ> jlk#` bjbj 8B)8<<xdP"   wPyPyPyPyPyPyP$Rh UjPP  Pp  wPwPC#G   ,d E"KO,P0P-EUUD#G#G8U[GL16g,)PP`XPd   Minutes University Graduate Programs Committee September 12, 2007 Present: William McDaniel (Chair), Business Presiding; John Morris, Education; Daniel Scheide, Library; Susan Chase, Nursing; Ali Zilouchian, Engineering; Elwood Hamlin II, CAUPA; Charles Roberts, Science; Xupei Huang, Biomedical Science Absent: Stuart Glazer, Arts & Letters Others Present: Barry Rosson, Graduate Studies; Susan Fulks, Graduate Studies Minutes from April 4th meeting were approved unanimously by the Committee. NOTE: The Committee members discussed that in the future, they are going to make every effort not to approve a course proposal contingent upon changes being made to it. The Committee will approve a course proposal only when the form is correctly filled out and all supporting documentation is submitted. Curriculum Items Reviewers by College: CAUPA, NursingCRW 6920Creative Writing SymposiumNewReviewers by College: Education, LibraryACG 6258CForeign Study Tour in International AccountingNewISM 6368Enterprise Information Technology Service ManagementNewTAX 6306CState & Local Taxation and PlanningNew The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Dr. McDaniel. Dr. McDaniel was nominated to be the Chair of the Graduate Programs Committee for 2007-2008 by Chase. Morris seconded, followed by Hamlin. No one else was nominated. The Committee elected McDaniel unanimously. CRW 6920 was tabled without objection because Glazer requested more time to review proposal within College of Arts and Letters before coming before GPC again. Chase stated concerns about ACG 6258C; the course description and objectives are together, so the registrar is going to need clarification about that. McDaniel to instruct Accounting to separate the course description and objectives more clearly on the syllabus. Motion to accept ACG 6258C was approved by Morris and seconded by Scheide, with the Committee concurring unanimously. Scheide expressed concern that ISM 6368 textbook information was different on proposal form and syllabus. There were also typographical errors on the course proposal form. The Committee believed that these errors should be corrected. Chase stated concerns that the course description on form and syllabus do not match. Morris asked if in the past the Committee has enforced the course description being identical on syllabus and proposal form. Committee believed descriptions should be consistent on both documents. Rosson suggested (if the course description in the catalog is taken from the proposal form) this issue might be appropriate to go before the Senate. Rule requiring faculty to use catalog course description verbatim on their syllabi must come from the Faculty Senate. This will go on the agenda for the University Graduate Council. Motion to accept ISM 6368 contingent upon correcting typographical errors on the form and including the course description from the form on the syllabus verbatim was approved by Hamlin, seconded by Scheide with the Committee concurring unanimously. McDaniel recommended TAX 6306C be tabled because the syllabus lacks both a course description and a bibliography. NOTE: Barry Rosson briefly addressed the Graduate Programs Committee about the development of new Ph.D. programs in light of the budget cuts. New programs are to be expected from Nursing, Geosciences, and Civil Engineering. Committee discussed deadlines for submitting paperwork on a new course to be offered in spring 2008. McDaniel recommended that members have new course proposals submitted for review at the next meeting on October 10, 2007 if faculty members hope to begin teaching the course in spring 2008. The Committee then reviewed the procedure for submitting a new course proposal to the UGPC. Original forms and supporting documentation should be turned in to Susan at the Office of Graduate Studies no later than one week before the scheduled meeting. It was recommended that Susan Fulks pull together a protocol or standard operating procedure for submitting course proposals. Susan Fulks will pull together protocol and submit to Eva John and McDaniel for approval. III. The Committee adjourned at 2:11 p.m.     PAGE  -  PAGE 1 - &/0<=ABCDEMNUVpq{|Ƚ||unjf_XTPhRhG3 hG3hG3 hZah`h ]h` hZah{D; hZah?hKG hZahKGhH, hAh{D;hAhH5\ h{D;5\hAh{D;5\nHo(tHhG35\nHtHh$b5\nHtHh)X5\nHtHh0K5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\hAh{D;5\ h5\ 0CDE3 : a f   6 7 gd39gd = & Fgd,^gd1^gd6?Bgd ] ^`gdG3  ^` gdKG 0^`0gd ]$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;  2 9 : ? @ A C L Q R ` e f u v »߭ߩxndZhH,h{K\5\hH,h25\hH,h15\ h6?Bh6?Bh1 h ]\h2B h2B\ h2"5\hAh{D;5\ hG3hhP)Z hG3h ] hZah ] h ]5\ h5\ hEC5\ hP)Z5\h?h=Yh ] h?!hRhH, hZahRhR hRhR#  5 6 7 B H V W X } ~  üyyqldld\XdXdlXdh ]h h ]5hWVh ]5 h ]5hWVhU5hWVhpW5hWVh^b 5\hWVhpW5\hWVhl5\hWVhpW5\nHtH hK\hH,h =5\ h =5\ h395\ hXGP5\hH,h`;5\hH,hH,5\hH,h6?B5\ h ]5\hH,h25\"7 H W X ~  e\ $Ifgdkd$$Ifl04$ t0h%644 laytsz $Ifgdjp^pgdpW & Fgdl lcWc d$IfgdPM $IfgdPMkdi$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz lcWQ$If d$IfgdP. $Ifgdjkd$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz lcWQ$If d$IfgdP. $Ifgdjkdm$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz lcWQ$If d$Ifgd. $Ifgdjkd$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz      ' ( \ ] ` a b k l  KPYr:~h(5\nHtHh*5\nHtHhk.5\nHtHh>'5\nHtHhh5\nHtHh& 5\nHtHh ]5\nHtHh ^ 5\nHtHh2Bh ]5hWVh ]5h ]h2B5 h2B5h2BhWVh2B5-   lcWc d$IfgdPM $IfgdPMkdw$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz  ( ] a lcWQ$If d$Ifgd. $Ifgdjkd$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytPMa b l lcPJ$Ifddd$If[$\$gdP. $Ifgdjkd$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz OPlgggggggggggd ^ kd$$IflF4$ t0h%6    44 laytsz :>GL26-.()>HR|?Dɾ||qf|f|f||fhW35\nHtHhi5\nHtHh =5\nHtHh( 5\nHtHhe5\nHtHhir5\nHtHh*S5\nHtHhRA5\nHtHh5\nHtHh2B5\nHtHh}5\nHtHh5\nHtHh>'5\nHtHhA1?5\nHtH%./()gd Ugd )/]b|~ɿwqwqmdWjhdvh/y0JUhdvh/y0Jh/y h/y0Jjh/y0JUhcb.jhcb.UhK0h|+\ hW35\ h =5\h HhXGP5\h Hh&5\hK0hH\hK0hH5\hir5\nHtHh~5\nHtHhW35\nHtHhh5\nHtHhx5\nHtH"gd Uh]hgd2P0 &`#$gd2P0hK0h|+\hcb.h/yjhdvh/y0JUh/y0JmHnHujh/y0JUhdvh/y0J6&P1h:pG/ =!"#$% g$$If!vh55#v#v:Vl th%655ytsz}$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6555ytsz$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6,555ytsz$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6,555ytsz$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6,555ytsz$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6,555ytsz$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6,555ytPM$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6,555ytsz$$If!vh555#v#v#v:Vl th%6,555ytsz@@@ h\qNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4 @4 2P0Footer  !.)@. 2P0 Page Numberj@j $: Table Grid7:V06U@!6 $: Hyperlink >*B*phFV@1F D&FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph4@B4 dvHeader  !F^@RF o2/ Normal (Web)dd[$\$PJHbH !> Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJHZ@rH h\q Plain TextCJOJPJQJ^JaJB 0CDE3:af67HWX~(]ablOP . / ( ) 0000000000000 0000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000000000000000000@000@000@000@000@0@0@0@0@000@ 0CE3:af67HWX~(]blOP0000@0@0@0@0@ 0@ 0@0 00@0 @0@0 @0 @0@0@0 @0 @0@0@0 002002002j0 0 002002002Pj0 0 003 @0 @0 @0@0@0 @0j00@0 @0j00@0 0,,-,0,+0,)0{0000000 (((+ :  7  a  !#+!!8@0(  B S  ?||O|| |›| "((22  9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity  ).3 ?Dl YW (|vaIZ@\tm%2Z03N Hxj'Nr9@N$F[U'0'(*;*#*´*f+հ+,H,3,-L.P...t./2/9/#0K020:223ڳ3R4@6E798939$:;';;`;0<So=J>>!>g)>;'?A1?;@49@|@%ARA:1B6?BYB!'C`)C?D+8EO=E4yELGH H!3HPHnHM4IJRhJKLLILPL \LcLfLM"MPM-N|N7PXGP#IP&mPmP'Qp?QAQ[Q7bSWV$W)XYP)Z*Z\8\ :\{K\rZ\ ]3W]Ha]|]W^%_D_5[_>``J`0a$b#6c d>Ij&*ECZaxH|+E2R1]qq@)Z;aChz&uZ-m-n`sw C& E?=YMpTs_Op KGj m:$B?g0yK@llD^wH) )23^P;S \ _s(mq\LH.6kjF9_@ug?j~pW t]OFxaz8j 2.5shw^&i}w&8w\ !%j(Ph{.1D?U;VJkC v#MK+'g$/%hDqgADmDZt{/)W9iO,& " \a|:JLg( 2BWX~(]abl@tgP@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialWSimSunArial Unicode MS5& zaTahoma?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"1hkwF&|/|/!x4d 2qHX ?/2MinutesElissa Rudolph Susan FulksD         Oh+'0  < H T `lt|MinutesElissa RudolphNormal Susan Fulks20Microsoft Office Word@Z3@bCu@r6@|/՜.+,0 hp  ý Minutes Title  !#$%&'()+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ[\^_`abcdgRoot Entry F iData "1Table*UWordDocument8BSummaryInformation(UDocumentSummaryInformation8]CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qRoot Entry FP-nData "1Table*UWordDocument8B  !#$%&'()+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ[\mSummaryInformation(UDocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q՜.+,D՜.+,L hp  ý Minutes Title4 $,