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The Committee will vote and make a decision; however, it will approve a course proposal only when the form is correctly filled out and all supporting documentation is submitted. Dr. McDaniel was nominated to be the Chair of the Graduate Programs Committee for 2008-2009. No one else was nominated. The Committee elected McDaniel unanimously. Curriculum Items ACG 6137Financial Reporting and Accounting ConceptsChangeACG 6138Advanced Financial Reporting and Accounting ConceptsChangeACG 6175Financial Statement AnalysisChangeACG 6275International AccountingChangeACG 6315Advanced Analysis/Application of Accounting DataChangeACG 6347Cost Accounting Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6367Advanced Cost Accounting Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6465Accounting for e-CommerceChangeACG 6475Advanced Accounting Information SystemChangeACG 6595Accounting and Governmental RegulationChangeACG 6625EDP AuditingChangeACG 6635Auditing Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6655Advanced Auditing Theory and PracticeChangeACG 6675Operational AuditingChangeACG 6815Accounting ResearchChangeRMI 6356Risk Management: The Roles of Reinsurance and Capital Market SolutionsChangeRMI 6426Insurance/Reinsurance: The Law and its Impact on the Business in a Global MarketChangeRMI 6727Insurance AccountingNewARC 5328Advanced Architectural Design IChangeARC 5352Comprehensive Design ProjectChangeCCJ 6456Leadership and Future Issues in Criminal Justice AgenciesNewCCJ 6475Organizational Culture in Criminal Justice AgenciesNewSOW 5153Human Sexuality for Clinical Social WorkersNewSOW 5340Play Therapy in the Social Work SettingNewSOW 6396Trauma, Self-Care and Dissociation for Social WorkersNewSOW 6611Couples Therapy for Social WorkersNewSOW 6672Animal Assisted TherapyNewMPGCPMedical Physics Graduate Certificate ProgramNewCHS 6611Environmental Chemical AnalysisChangePCB 6974Thesis-Related ResearchNewPHZ 6245Medical Imaging PhysicsNewRAT 6628Radiation Therapy PhysicsNewRAT 6684Radiation PhysicsNew All changes proposed to 15 ACG courses were approved unanimously. Motion to approve change for RMI 6426 was approved unanimously by the committee. Scheide moved to approve RMI 6356 and RMI 6727. He expressed his concern regarding the lack of bibliographies for each course and no textbook for RMI 6727. Committee considered this a minor change and decided to vote. Contingent upon submission of bibliographies for each course and a textbook or its substitute for RMI 6727, all members were in favor of action and the courses were unanimously approved. Motion to approve changes to ARC 5328 and ARC 5352 was seconded by Hamlin and approved unanimously by the council. Motion by Roberts to approve CCJ 6456 and CCJ 6475. He pointed out that CCJ 6456 did not specify textbook or bibliography and CCJ 6475 did not specify bibliography. Committee considered it a minor change and approved action unanimously. Roberts moved to approve five SOW courses. Hamlin explained they were a part of existing MSW program. Even though the MSW is a 60-credit program, it offers few elective courses. The proposed courses were in compliance with students interests. The course numbers on agenda do not match with syllabi. Fulks was asked to confirm course numbers with Rudolph. All courses were unanimously approved. Lowe moved to approve EEX 7938. EEX 7938 was previously approved during the meeting on January 9, 2008 and did not need to be reviewed. Motion by Zilouchian to approve the MPGCP. Huang clarified it is a certificate program with one prerequisite course, one existing and three new courses. Two new certificate courses, RAT 6628 and RAT 6684, were unanimously approved. The name of the course for PHZ 6245 listed on agenda is not consistent with the course description in the certificate proposal. PHY 5737 listed in the certificate description should be replaced with PHZ 6245. PHZ 6245 was approved. Roberts questioned if the students have to already have matriculated with Masters degree before starting the program. Chase added the nursing certificate programs were clearly postmasters. Rosson explained the University-wide system does not support a code for a certificate, but efforts are being made to implement the change and hoped to have it available by November 2008. The committee voted and the proposal was approved contingent upon clarification the certificate can be awarded only if the Masters degree has already been awarded, or is to be awarded at the same time. Zilouchians motion to approve change to CHS 6611 and new course PCB 6974. Both actions were approved unanimously. Motion by Lowe to meet at 2pm for the next three meetings. Committee voted; with all in favor the action was unanimously approved. III. The Committee adjourned at 2:30 p.m.     PAGE  -  PAGE 2 - &/0BCDEMNUVpq{| l s t y ĽﬨyuqmieaZ hP)Z5\h?h=Yh"czhh`h ] h?!hR hZahRhR hRhR hZah`hU@hKG hZahKGhH, hAh{D;hAhH5\ h{D;5\hAh{D;5\nHo(tHh"cz5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\hAh{D;5\ h5\# 0CDEm t ~   g h gdJB7^gd9 & Fgd,gdsy 0^`0gdsy ^`gdG3  ^` gdKG 0^`0gd ]$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;gy z { }       % , 2 3 < @ H \ ¾{tmf\RHhH,h`;5\hH,hH,5\hH,h6?B5\ h 5\ h"cz5\ h<2 5\hH,h{K\5\hH,h25\hH,hsy5\h;]5\nHtHh,O5\nHtHhsy5\nHtHh!hU@ h"cz\h"czh E h2"5\hAh{D;5\ hG3hhP)Z h ]5\ h5\ hEC5\\ e f g h 5 6 7 c d e Ⱦڰ|q|iq|iq|iq[|[|iqhhX5\nHtHhhA5hA5\nHtHhhA5\nHtHh 5\nHtH h ^ 5\hWVhpW5\hWVhl5\hWVhpW5\nHtHhH,hf5\hf5\nHtH hf5\ hJB75\ h95\ h395\hH,h25\ hXGP5\ $IfgdZ< $Ifgd ^ gd ^ p^pgd  & Fgdl^gd9gdJB7gdf / 6 nee\ $IfgdZ< $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laytA6 7 @ ] d nee\ $IfgdZ< $Ifgd ^ kd{$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laytAd e n nee\ $IfgdZ< $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laytA nee\ $IfgdZ< $Ifgd ^ kdq$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laytA nee\ $IfgdZ< $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laytA 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