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Review and Action Regular the Following Proposals: Course #TitleCollege/Dept.CreditsActionReviewers by College: (Education, Library)ProposalM.S. in GeosciencesScienceN/ANewReviewers by College: (Engineering, Medicine)NGR 6605 LAdvanced Nursing Situations in Practice: Comprehensive Primary CareNursing1-4 Change NGR 6634 L Advanced Nursing Situations in Practice: Care of the Childbearing/Childrearing FamilyNursing3ChangeMemoPost Masters Certificate in Advanced Holistic NursingNursingN/AN/AReviewers by College: (Nursing, CDSI)MemoProposed Curriculum Changes in Masters in Political Science ChangesA & LN/AN/AMemoMaster of Fine Art in Visual Arts-Concentration ChangesA & LN/AN/APOS 6736Research Design in Political ScienceA & L3NewMUS 6940Advanced Commercial Music InternshipA & L1-3NewReviewers by College: (Arts & Letters, CDSI)Memo Proposal to Change Admission Requirements for All Applicants to the M.A in TESOL/BE EducationN/AN/AReviewers by College: (Arts & Letters, Education)EEL 5613 Modern ControlEngineering3 New TTE 5306 CQuantitative Methods in Transportation EngineeringEngineering3NewTTE 6651 CSustainable Public TransportationEngineering3NewTTE 6307 CTransportation and Supply Chain SystemsEngineering3NewTTE 6516 CHighway Traffic Characteristics and MeasurementsEngineering3NewReviewers by College: (Education, Library)ACG 7145 Seminar in Financial AccountingBusinessN/AChangeACG 7415Seminar in Information SystemBusinessN/AChangeACG 7885Seminar in Research Methodol in AccountingBusinessN/AChangeACG 7646Doctoral Seminar in AuditingBusinessN/AChangeACG 7356Seminar in Managerial AccountingBusinessN/AChangeACG 7835Seminar in Behavioral Accounting ResearchBusinessN/AChangeACG 7978Advanced Research in Accounting BusinessN/AChangeENT 6186Technology Commercialization StrategiesBusinessN/AChangeISM 6230Introduction to Computer Systems and Software DevelopmentBusiness3NewISM 6133Advanced Systems Analysis and DesignBusiness3NewISM 6212Database Management SystemsBusiness3NewISM 6220Business Data CommunicationBusiness3New EEL 5613, TTE 5306C, TTE 6651C, TTE 6307C, TTE 6516C were all tabled till the fall because there were changes to be made to the syllabus for week by week outlines. There should be a letter of support/email from the college of business for TTE 6307C because it shares common interests, and they should agree that there is no conflict. All programs to be resubmitted for first meeting in the fall. The Memo for the Proposal to Change Admission Requirements for all Applicants to the M.A. to TESOL/BE was unanimously approved with no changes. ACG 7145, and ACG 7885 were unanimously approved. ACG 7415, ACG 7646, ACG 7356, ACG 7835, ACG 7978, ENT 6186, ISM 6230, ISM 6133, ISM 6212, ISM 6220, They were tabled because of various changes to be made such as missing syllabi, no grading scales, and corrections to all of the ISM courses to specify in syllabi the difference between graduate and undergraduate. It was also noted that going forward every change should be accompanied with a syllabus. The Proposal for M.S. in Geosciences was tabled pending routing sheet. NGR 6605L, NGR 6634L were unanimously approved. The Memo for Post Masters Certificate in Advanced Holistic Nursing was unanimously approved. The memo for Proposed Curriculum Changes in Masters in Political Science Changes, POS 6736, and the for Master of Fine Art in Visual Arts Concentration Changes were unanimously approved. The MUS 6940 was unanimously approved. Dr. Rosson presented the New Academic Degree Program Status: New Forms. He wanted the committee to be aware of the new Board of Governors forms asking universities to use regarding activation and deactivation of programs. These forms are for the state to keep an accurate record of activated and deactivated programs. Dr. Floyd thanked everyone for a great year. The University GPC will convene next academic year and elect a chair once Colleges have their representatives named. The committee adjourned at 3:05 pm.     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