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Curriculum Items ANG 6920Anthropology Professional Development CourseNewCST 7950Ph.D. ColloquiumNewMUG 6306Applied Graduate Orchestral ConductingNewPAD 6136Decision-Making in the Public SectorNewPAD 6316Strategic Planning in the Public SectorNewPAD 6727Survey Research in the Public SectorNewPAD 6729Images of Public Administration in Literature, Popular Culture and FilmNewMHS 7942Advanced Practicum in Counselor EducationNewNGR 6723Advanced Nursing Situations: Health Care Delivery SystemsNewMAA 5229Introductory Analysis IIChangeMAS 5312Introductory Abstract Algebra IIChange Chase moved to approve ANG 6920, although she expressed concern with the timeline for the course not being realistic. Chases motion was seconded by Hamlin and approved unanimously by the committee. Lowe withdrew the new course proposal for CST 7950 submitted by the College of Arts and Letters. He expressed that the new dean of the college was potentially opposed to the new course going forward at this time. Hamlin moved to approve MUG 6306. This motion was seconded by Chase and approved unanimously by the committee. Motion by Scheide to approve PAD 6136, PAD 6316, PAD 6727, and PAD 6729 was seconded by Roberts and approved unanimously by the council. MHS 7942 was tabled without objection by the committee. The proposal needs clarification on the meaning of repeatable three credits. In addition, the committee agreed that the tasks of the practicum portfolio and the dissertation prospectus need to be separated from one another. Those proposing the course need to think about how a students transcript will look to external evaluation bodies. Zilouchian moved to approve NGR 6723, which was seconded by Hamlin and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve MAA 5229 and MAS 5312, which was seconded by Hamlin and approved unanimously by the committee. Number of weeks needs to be adjusted to reflect one semester rather than a full year. Also, the syllabus should read one-semester course rather than one-year course. The committee asked that Fulks make a change to the new course proposal guidelines posted on the GPC website. Number three should read list of course description and instructional objectives. III. The Committee adjourned at 2:20 p.m.     PAGE  -  PAGE 2 - &/07=>?@HIPQklvw   ȹ|u|||nj|fb^Zh?h=Yhh`h ] h?!hR hZahRhR hRhR hZah`hU@hKG hZahKGhH, hAh{D;hAhH5\ h{D;5\hAh{D;5\nHo(tHhU@5\nHtHh,O5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\hAh{D;5\ h5\" 0>?@  s x   Z [ l  & Fgdl^gd9 & Fgd,gdsy 0^`0gdsy ^`gdG3  ^` gdKG 0^`0gd ]$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;     D V r w x       % & / Ľ|rhaZPrhH,h6?B5\ h 5\ h<2 5\hH,h{K\5\hH,h25\hH,hsy5\h;]5\nHtHh,O5\nHtHhsy5\nHtHh!hU@h E h0\ h ]\ h2"5\hAh{D;5\ hG3hhP)Z hZahh h ]5\ h5\ hEC5\ hP)Z5\/ 3 ; O X Y Z [ f l z {      7 8 ; = E F m n q s { | Ϳhcm[5\nHtHh 5\nHtHh 5\nHtH h ^ 5\hWVhpW5\hWVhl5\hWVhpW5\nHtH h95\ h395\ hXGP5\hH,h`;5\hH,h25\hH,hH,5\3l { _kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la $Ifgd ^ p^pgd   qhhh $Ifgd ^ kdu$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la  8 < qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la< = F n r qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd_$$IflF$ ` t06    44 lar s | qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la qhhh $Ifgd ^ kdI$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la   . / 2 4 < = w x { } z 5uv,uvwɾԳ|qfq|h[*<5\nHtHh5\nHtHhg5\nHtHh15\nHtHh]5\nHtHh]5\nHtHht5\nHtHhOe5\nHtHhA]5\nHtHh5\nHtHh2B5\nHtHh 5\nHtHh 5\nHtHhcm[5\nHtH'  / 3 qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la3 4 = x | qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd3$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la| } qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la qhhh $Ifgdxkd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la z{vwqlllllllllllgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la wvwbcdh]hgd2P0 &`#$gd2P0gd UgdNSgd ^ wabcdhimvԾwokokokoka[a[Wht ht0Jjht0JUhK*jhK*UhK0h|+\ hW35\ hz5\h HhXGP5\h Hh&5\hK0hH\hK0hH5\h.5\nHtHhj5\nHtHh]u5\nHtHh%!5\nHtHhNS5\nHtHht5\nHtHhh%5\nHtHhK0h|+\hK*htht0JmHnHujht0JUjhdvht0JUhdvht0J 6&P1h:pG/ =!"#$% s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5@@@ !_NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4 @4 2P0Footer  !.)@. 2P0 Page Numberj@j $: Table Grid7:V06U@!6 $: Hyperlink >*B*phFV@1F D&FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph4@B4 dvHeader  !F^@RF o2/ Normal (Web)dd[$\$PJHbH !> Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJHZ@rH h\q Plain TextCJOJPJQJ^JaJ < 0>?@sxZ[l{  8<=Fnrs|/34=x|}z{vw  v w b c d 00000000000000 00 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000000000@0H00@0H00@0H00@0H00@0@0@0@0@0H004  0>?@sxlb 000000000@0@0@0@0@ 0 0j00j00h00@0 j0'0(T (((+ / w l < r 3 | w  !#+!!8@0(  B S  ? 3*,3*3*l3*,3*,3*3*3*3*x  =*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace> *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PersonName   J u w a b b  l YW (|vaIZ@\tm%2Z03N Hxj'Nr9@N$F[U'0'((*;*K*#*´*f+հ+,H,3,-l-L.P...t./2/9/#0K020:223ڳ3R4w5@6E7998939$:;';;`;*<S0<So=J>>!>g)>;'?A1?;@49@|@%ARA:1B6?BYB!'C`)C~C?D+8EO=E4yEbFLGvvG"HH H!3HPHnHM4IJWTJBYJRhJKLLILPL \LcLfLM"MPM-NN|N7PXGP#IPfP&mPmP'Qp?QAQ[QS`R7bSB9T}TWV6W$W)XYP)Z*Z;Zcm[ \\8\ :\{K\rZ\J}\ ]A]3W]Ha]|]n#^W^!_%_D_5[_>```J`0a$b$b#6c dYd>Ij&*EC]uZaxH|+E2R1]qq@)Z ;aChwzxD|a&uZ-m-n`sw C;]& E?=YiMpTs_Op NKGj m:$B]?]g0y$0K@llzD^wH) )23^P;S \ _s(mqc\LH.6kjF9_g@ugi?j~0pW 4<oCmIt]OFxaz8j 2.5shw^&i} w&8w|\ Jw!%j(Ph{.1D?D'^'U;[6@UVJkC v#MR%!1Kv+'g$/%hD,fqt/gADmDZt{/)[OW9iO,& "IS \a|:JLg( 2B{  8<=Fnrs|/34=x|} @ !   p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialWSimSunArial Unicode MS5& zaTahoma?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"1hRĆߊĆ[ ( (!x4d  2qHX ?/2MinutesElissa Rudolph Susan FulksD         Oh+'0  < H T `lt|MinutesElissa RudolphNormal Susan Fulks22Microsoft Office Word@Û@f$N@4^u@  ՜.+,0 hp  ý( ' Minutes Title  !"#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQSTUVWXY[\]^_`adRoot Entry FPyfData 1Table'FTWordDocument8<SummaryInformation(RDocumentSummaryInformation8ZCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q