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Curriculum Items SPA 6971Masters ThesisNewMemoRevision: M.A. in SociologyChangeACG 7835Seminar in Behavioral Accounting ResearchNewMAR 6149International MarketingChangePAD 6148Human Resource Management for NonprofitsNewPAD 6205Public Finance and Policy AnalysisNewPAD 6314Public Policy ProcessNewPAD 6612RegulationNewProposalRequest to Offer a New Degree Program: M.S. in ArchitectureNewARC 6367Design Research SeminarNewARC 6368Design Research Paradigms and MethodsNewARC 6970Design Research StudioNewARC 6972Design Thesis StudioNewEDG 6345Instructional Strategies and Assessment PracticesNewEME 6624Authentic and Standards-Based Assessment for 21st Century LearnersNewMHS 7942Advanced Practicum in Counselor EducationNewMemoProgram Codes RequestChangeMemoGeoscience: Description ChangeChange The committee took up old business of approving SPA 6971. This course was approved unanimously by the committee. The committee unanimously approved the revision to the M.A. in Sociology contingent upon adding language that explicitly stated that option 2 (the non-thesis option) was not a default option for students unable to complete a thesis (through option 1). ACG 7835 and MAR 6149 were approved unanimously by the committee. PAD 6148, PAD 6314, and PAD 6612 were also approved unanimously by the committee. PAD 6205 was passed contingent upon the addition of a bibliography to the syllabus. Dr. Aaron Temkin presented the Request to Offer a New Degree Program: M.S. in Architecture to the committee. The proposal was tabled with the following suggestions from the committee for improvement: Document the demand for the degree program; embed this information in the proposal to strengthen the argument. Research the stimulus package and federal/state government mandates and priorities (weathering and climate change were mentioned specifically) that bolster the need for such a degree program. Work this language into the document wherever possible. Demonstrate industry buy-in. Get letters of support wherever possible demonstrating need in industry. Consider speaking with other colleges (e.g. Science (specifically Geoscience), Arts and Letters, and Engineering) about ways that your degree program could work across disciplines to strengthen the programs offerings. What courses are offered in other programs that could be integrated into the coursework? There was concern about the faculty listed in the proposal being adequately prepared to mentor graduate students. There was discussion about working with co-chairs from other colleges and/or departments. Desire for 4 faculty members to be tenured. Include any research/surveys about the need for this degree program. ARC 6367, ARC 6368, ARC 6970, and ARC 6972 were approved unanimously by the committee. EDG 6345, MHS 7942, and Program Codes Request were approved unanimously by the committee. EME 6624 was approved contingent upon adding a reading list to the syllabus. The description change to Geoscience was approved unanimously by the committee. 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