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Morris moved to require documentation of additional requirements for graduate students within the syllabus at the time the course is approved by the Graduate Programs Committee. Chase seconded the motion and added that there should be language indicating this requirement on the sample syllabus. The committee approved this motion unanimously. Curriculum Items HIS 6942Internship in Public HistoryChangeMUM 6925Advanced Commercial Music ForumNewRMI 6426The Law and its Impact on the Business in a Global MarketNewPAD 6136Decision-Making in the Public SectorNewPAD 6316Strategic Planning in the Public SectorNewPAD 6727Survey Research in the Public SectorNewPAD 6729Images of Public Administration in Literature, Popular Culture and FilmNewEDF 6918Action Research in Schools and CommunitiesNewEDG 6303Alternative Teaching ApproachesChangeEDG 6414Core Instructional PracticesChangeNGR 5175GeropharmacologyChangeNGR 5245Dynamics of AgingChangeNGR 5284Aesthetics of AgingChangeNGR 5286Functional Changes of AgingChangeNGR 6484Womens Health: Risk Appraisal and Health PromotionChangeNGR 6643Culture, Community, Nursing in School OrganizationsChangeNGR 6710Curriculum Evolution and Models in Nursing EducationChangeNGR 6711Creative Teaching-Learning Methods in Nursing EducationChangeNGR 6718Evaluation in Nursing EducationChangeNGR 6871Nursing InformaticsNewNGR 6944Nursing Education PracticumChangeENV 6334Environmental RestorationNewESC 6835Earth Science for Educators INewESC 6836Earth Science for Educators IINewProposalGraduate Certificate in NeuroscienceN/AGEO 6117Seminar in Geographic Methodology TechniquesChangeGLY 5457Environmental GeophysicsNewMath PhDPh.D. in Mathematics ProgramsChangeMAA 5105Multivariable AnalysisNewMAA 5228Introductory Analysis IChangeMAA 5229Introductory Analysis IIChangeMAS 5145Linear AlgebraNewMAS 5311Introductory Abstract Algebra IChangeMAS 5312Introductory Abstract Algebra IIChange Chase moved to approve HIS 6942, Hamlin seconded this motion, and the committee approved it unanimously. Morris moved to approve RMI 6426 contingent upon addition of case study evaluation to the syllabus. Chase seconded this motion, and the committee approved it unanimously. PAD 6136, PAD 6316, PAD 6727, and PAD 6729 were tabled because the syllabi were missing bibliographies and complete grading schemes. Hamlin moved to approved EDF 6918 contingent upon a complete grading scale being added to the syllabus. Roberts seconded the motion, with the committee approving unanimously. Roberts moved to approve EDG 6303 and EDG 6414 contingent upon a full grading scheme being added to the syllabus. This motion was seconded by Hamlin and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve NGR 5175, NGR 5245, NGR 5284, NGR 5286, NGR 6484, and NGR 6643, which was seconded by Huang, and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve NGR 6710, which was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. Roberts moved to approve NGR 6711, which was seconded by Morris, and approved unanimously by the committee. Lowe moved to approve NGR 6718, which was seconded by Morris and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve NGR 6871, which was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve NGR 6944, which was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve the Graduate Certificate in Neuroscience, which was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve ENV 6334, ESC 6835, and ESC 6836, which was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. Morris moved to approve GEO 6117, which was seconded by Zilouchian and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve GLY 5457 with the recommendation to update the textbook for the course, which was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve the changes to the Ph.D. Mathematics program, which was seconded by Morris and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve MAA 5105 contingent upon a complete citation for the textbook, and listing an accurate number of weeks for the semester. This was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. Zilouchian moved to approve MAA 5228 and MAS 5311, which was seconded by Huang and approved unanimously by the committee. MAA 5229 and MAS 5312 were tabled for more specificity of what will be covered in each course. Huang moved to approve MAS 5145 contingent upon an assessment percentage of 100%, and inclusion of a complete citation. This was seconded by Chase and approved unanimously by the committee. III. The Committee adjourned at 3:00 p.m.     PAGE  -  PAGE 3 - &/08>?@AIJQRlmwx    M ȹ|u|||nj|jf_[h` hZahU@hsyh ] h?!hR hZahRhR hRhR hZah`hU@hKG hZahKGhH, hAh{D;hAhH5\ h{D;5\hAh{D;5\nHo(tHhU@5\nHtHht5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\hAh{D;5\ h5\# 0?@AN U s x   O P $ % ^gd9^gd9 & Fgd,gdsy 0^`0gdsy ^`gdG3  ^` gdKG 0^`0gd ]$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;M T U Z [ \ ^ r w x    M N O P Q W j q r {  üخ{qjcY{O{hH,hH,5\hH,h6?B5\ h 5\ ht5\hH,h{K\5\hH,h25\hH,hsy5\h;]5\nHtHhsy5\nHtHhU@ hsy\h` h0\ h ]\ h2"5\hAh{D;5\ hG3hhP)Zh E h ]5\ h5\ hEC5\ hP)Z5\h?h=Y   A B E G O P t u x z 3479ɻh 5\nHtHhmI5\nHtHh 5\nHtH h ^ 5\hWVhpW5\hWVhl5\hWVhpW5\nHtH h =5\ h|a5\ h95\ h395\hH,h25\ hXGP5\hH,h`;5\1% Ikd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la $Ifgd ^ p^pgd  & Fgdlgd =^gd9  B F hkdu$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la $Ifgd ^ F G P u y qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 lay z qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd_$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la 48qhhh $Ifgd ^ kdI$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la89Bmqqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la9ABlmprz{ 239;CD_`fhpq0179AByzhD'5\nHtHh 5\nHtHh$b5\nHtHh 5\nHtHhJw5\nHtHOqr{qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd3$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la3:qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la:;D`gqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd|$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laghqqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kdf$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la18qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la89Bzqhhh $Ifgd ^ kdP$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd:$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la  $%(*23PQTV^_}~#$ABHJRSijmowxBCZh]5\nHtHh6@5\nHtHh 5\nHtHhw5\nHtHS %)qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd$ $$IflF$ ` t06    44 la)*3QUqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laUV_~qhhh $Ifgd ^ kd $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kdm $$IflF$ ` t06    44 la$BIqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laIJSjnqhhh $Ifgd ^ kdW $$IflF$ ` t06    44 lanoxqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kdA $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd $$IflF$ ` t06    44 laqhhh $Ifgd ^ kd+$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la:Aqhhh $Ifgdxkd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 laABCYZRSqlllllllllllgd ^ kd$$IflF$ ` t06    44 la ZS5Ufghimɾߨ||q|qf[PFhK0hH5\h.5\nHtHhj5\nHtHh_A5\nHtHh75\nHtHhNS5\nHtHhnq5\nHtHhi5\nHtHhJ}\5\nHtHh21z5\nHtHh 5\nHtHh%wu5\nHtHh5\nHtHh(|5\nHtHhp5\nHtHh]5\nHtHht5\nHtHS=>56TUEFgdNSgdnqgdigdJ}\gd21zgd ^ fghih]hgd2P0 &`#$gd2P0gd Ugd ^ gd7mnr{he0JmHnHujhdvh70JUhdvh70Jh7 h70Jjh70JUhoCjhoCUhK0h|+\ hW35\ hj5\h HhXGP5\h Hh&5\hK0hH\6&P1h:pG/ =!"#$% s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5s$$If!vh5 5`5#v #v`#v:Vl t65 5`5@@@ !_NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4 @4 2P0Footer  !.)@. 2P0 Page Numberj@j $: Table Grid7:V06U@!6 $: Hyperlink >*B*phFV@1F D&FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph4@B4 dvHeader  !F^@RF o2/ Normal (Web)dd[$\$PJHbH !> Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJHZ@rH h\q Plain TextCJOJPJQJ^JaJz 0?@ANUsxOP$%BFGPuyz489Bmqr{3:;D`ghq189Bz  % ) * 3 Q U V _ ~    $ B I J S j n o x     : A B C Y Z RS=>56TUEFfghi00000000000000 00 0000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000@0H00@0H00@0H00@0H00@0@0@0@0@0H00 0?@ANUsx   : A B =>56TUFf000000000@0@0@0@0@ 0 0j0 0 <0j00j00h000 j00T!h00h0000h00h00h00h00h00h00h00h00h00 h00h0!0 h0!0h0#0 h0#0 00j0'(Th0'h0'00 (((+M 9Zm*9<% F y 8q:g8)UInAS !"#$%&'()+,-./012345678:; 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