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Curriculum Items Reviewers by College: CAUPA, NursingAML 5505Literary PeriodsChangeAML 5937Literary Genres and ThemesChangeAML 6305Individual AuthorChangeAMH 6934Special TopicsChangeAML 6938American LiteratureChangeENC 6700Studies in Composition Methodology and TheoryChangeENC 6930Topics in Rhetoric and CompositionChangeENG 5018Literary Criticism 1ChangeENG 5019Literary Criticism 2ChangeENG 6009Principles and Problems of Literary StudyChangeENG 6049Seminar: Theory and CriticismChangeENG 6077Narrative and Poetic FormChangeENG 6924Research ColloquiumChangeENG 6925Colloquium in EnglishChangeENG 6933Seminar: Writing, Rhetoric and LiteracyChangeENL 5206Old EnglishChangeENL 5335Studies in ShakespeareChangeENL 5505Literary PeriodsChangeENL 5937Literary Genres and ThemesChangeENL 6305Individual AuthorChangeENL 6455Seminar: British LiteratureChangeENL 6934Special TopicsChangeLIN 6107History of the English LanguageChangeLIT 5009Literary Genres and ThemesChangeLIT 6105Seminar: World Literature in EnglishChangeLIT 6246Individual AuthorChangeLIT 6315Individual Author: Science Fiction/FantasyChangeLIT 6318Theorizing Science Fiction/FantasyChangeLIT 6932Special Topics in Science Fiction and FantasyChangeLIT 6934 Seminar: Special TopicsChangeLIT 6936Seminar: Literature and Other FieldsChangeMUC 6251Music CompositionChangeMUG 6306Applied Orchestral ConductingNewMUG 7308Applied Graduate Orchestral ConductingNewMUH 6398Review of Music Western Civilizations IINewMUM 6307Advanced Legal Issues for the MusicianNewReviewers by College: Library, ScienceSOW 6243Advanced Social Work Practice and Policy with Children and FamiliesChange Motion to accept prerequisite course change requests for AML 5505, AML 5937, AML 6305, AML 6934, AML 6938, ENC 6700, ENC 6930, ENG 5018, ENG 5019, ENG 6009, ENG 6049, ENG 6077, ENG 6924, ENG 6925, ENG 6933, ENL 5206, ENL 5335, ENL 5505, ENL 5937, ENL 6305, ENL 6455, ENL 6934, LIN 6107, LIT 5009, LIT 6105, LIT 6346, LIT 6315, LIT 6318, LIT 6932, LIT 6934, LIT 6936, and MUC 6251 was approved by Chase and seconded by Hamlin, with the committee concurring unanimously. MUG 6306 and MUG 7308 were tabled for clarification of student expectations and activities related to the titles of the courses. These clarifications need to be reflected on the syllabi submitted to the committee. Motion to accept MUM 6307 was approved by Hamlin and seconded by Chase, with the committee concurring unanimously. Motion to accept a change in the course description of SOW 6243 was approved by Morris and seconded by Roberts, with the committee concurring unanimously. Lowe asks if committee has any role in new international programs overseas. Hamlin shared that he submitted an international course and through the GPC simultaneously with the international programs office. Rosson said special topics will have to be approved at unit level as appropriate for the particular degree. The courses being taught in Italy have already been approved through proper channels at ý. Chase adds if special topics are taught three times without significant changes, the course must come through the GPC for approval. III. The Committee adjourned at 2:00 p.m.     PAGE  -  PAGE 2 - &/0:@ABCKLSTnoyz  ȹ|xqxjxxxc_x_[hsyh ] h?!hR hZahR hRhRhRhG3 hG3hG3 hZah`hU@hKG hZahKGhH, hAh{D;hAhH5\ h{D;5\hAh{D;5\nHo(tHhU@5\nHtHh4K5\nHtHhAh5\ hXGP5\hAh{D;5\ h5\# 0ABCK R \ a D E V  & Fgdlgd = & Fgd,gdsy 0^`0gdsy ^`gdG3  ^` gdKG 0^`0gd ]$a$gd0K'$a$gd{D;v  0 J Q R W X Y [ ` a p q     % ¸yoh^yTyhH,hH,5\hH,h6?B5\ h4K5\hH,h{K\5\hH,h25\hH,hsy5\h;]5\nHtHhsy5\nHtHh4K h0\ h ]\ h2"5\hAh{D;5\ hG3hhP)Z h ]5\ h5\ hEC5\ hP)Z5\h?h=Yh`R3 hZahU@hU@% 9 B C D E P V d e f    ! " * + ? 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