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Curriculum Items MHS 7942Advanced Practicum in Counselor EducationNewMHS 7980DissertationChangeEEX 6264Strategies and Environments that Promote Positive Behavior in Young ChildrenNewPCB 6849Cellular Neuroscience and DiseaseNewMAN 6874Technology Commercialization StrategiesNewNGR 6256Nursing Situations: Advanced Knowledge for Care of Adults in Acute SettingsNew MHS 7942 was tabled for having no syllabus. The committee recommended that a syllabus (or a letter justification that one is not needed) be submitted with the form. MHS 7980, EEX 6264, PCB 6849, MAN 6874, and NGR 6256 were approved unanimously by the council. The committee decided by consensus to reschedule its March 4, 2009 meeting for February 25, 2009 due to spring break. 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