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Liebovitch asked questions about the proposal only mentioning one PhD program offered through Scripps. He stated the College of Science had not been consulted about the proposal. He and Zilouchian were also concerned that the proposal referred to programs within both the College of Science and the College of Engineering & Computer Science moving to Jupiter. Floyd asked why the proposal had been put on a fast track, and what would happen if it did not get legislative approval. She also inquired whether ý had consulted with other Florida schools in drafting the proposal. She wanted to discuss the budget. Roberts had questions about the catalog and courses going through the curriculum approval. Friedland responded to all questions. He assured Folden that ý has faculty lecturers and individuals in the community to accommodate the classes. Both ýs library system and Scripps library (both here and in California on-line) will be available for use, and the program is planning a relationship with the USF library in the future as well. There are licensed doctors and hospitals willing to train ýs students. Friedland apologized to the College of Science and the College of Computer Science & Engineering for inferring that parts of their programs would be moving to Jupiter. He said those items would be removed from the proposal. The proposal was put on the fast track because of timing with accreditation, Scripps, and BOG and legislative approval deadlines. Friedland spoke to other deans of medical schools and they are supportive. Friedland explained the funding for the program. Friedland responded that the necessary degree program courses will be presented to the GPC within the next few months. The proposal was passed unanimously by the committee. 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