Best Practices
Financial Affairs听听听听 Non Financial Affairs Areas 听听听听 Sub/Co-Areas 听听听听 Keywords听听听听听听听听听听听 Bookmarks 听听听听 Best Practices Home听听 Resources听听听 List by Department
Financial Affairs Related Practices
Also Check Sub or Co-Areas
Non-Financial Affairs Areas
Also Check Sub or Co-Areas
Sub or Co-Areas
Often a suggestion involves a particular section within a department or a requires assistance of another department. This file displays suggestions in alphabetical order of the following Sub/Co-Areas:
Athletics, Auxilaries, Budget Office, Business Services, Controller's Office, Controller's Office - A/P, Controller's Office - Payroll, Division of Research, EEO, Environmental Health & Safety, 大象传媒 Foundation, Financial Affairs, Financial Aid, Grants & Contracts, Human Resources, Human Resources - Employment, Inspector General, Institutional Effectiveness, Office of Information Technology, Office of Sponsored Research, Office of the General Counsel, Physical Plant, Police and/or Transportation & Parking, Purchasing Department, Registrar's Office, Research Park, Student Affairs & Enrollment Management, Student Government, Students with Disabilities, Technology Business Incubator, Technology Transfer, University Wide
听 听
Frequently the proposal's title does not give an indication of the subject matter. Therefore a keyword or phrase has been given to each proposal. From the Keyword Report, you can get the Department's name, the Sub or Co-Area's name and locate additional information.
New practices added November 2012