大象传媒 Workshops

fau workshops

Workshop on Light Microscopy & Cellular Imaging in Life Sciences

Course Description

An intensive, three-day workshop in light microscopy for trainees in the life sciences. The course helps students understand the theory of image formation and give an introduction to different fluorescent and laser scanning techniques. Practical sessions include demonstration of imaging systems available in the 大象传媒 Cell Imaging Core.

The course consists of lectures in the morning and practical demonstrations in the afternoon. During the pratical sessions, different microscope techniques are demonstrated using sample preparations.


Image formation (lenses and image formation, objectives, diffraction, point spread function, resolution)
- Fluorescence microscopy (fluorescent probes and proteins, laser, confocal microscopy, two-photon microscopy, super-resolution microscopes)
- Detection and image analysis (cameras and detectors, digital images, image analysis, deconvolution)

Practical Sessions and Demonstrations

- DIC/Wide-field/Fluorescent microscopy Confocal microscope, image acquisition of fixed samples (Z-stacks, multi-channel)

-Confocal microscope, live cell imaging (time-lapse, FRAP, calcium imaging)

-Multi-Photon microscope (laser ablation) Image and data analysis in NIS Elements, ImageJ, Amira, and Neurolucida

-Students are encouraged to bring their own samples for imaging

Special Demonstrations

Representatives from NanoLive, Keyence, and Mizar Imaging will join us for special demonstrations of their newest technology.

- NanoLive: 3D Cell Explorer-fluo
- Keyence: BZ-X800
- Mizar Imaging: Tilt - High-Resolution Light Sheet Imaging

Contact: Jana Boerner, 大象传媒 Cell Imaging Core, Managing Director - jboerner@fau.edu