Buildings and Grounds Mission

Buildings and Grounds Department

This is the Buildings and Grounds mission statement.

Buildings and Grounds supports students and faculty, staff, and the general community with the responsive facilities and services required to achieve their academic, research, and public service goals and missions.

Buildings and Grounds is a service organization of people committed to providing students, faculty, staff and University visitors with the facilities and services required to achieve the University鈥檚 goals and missions. We will accomplish this by first developing a clear understanding of the specific program objectives and priorities of those we serve, and then ensuring that their facilities needs are effectively supported through professional communications, planning, design, construction, operation, repair and service. Our efforts will result in providing responsive, competitive, and high value services for a safe and functional environment.

This mission requires that we are willing to focus our resources and efforts to consistently achieve a high level of teamwork. Our principle resource is our people. The people in our team should exhibit a will to succeed, the flexibility to adapt to continuing change, and the creativity and discipline necessary to take advantage of our opportunities. In order to encourage that commitment and support, we must create an environment that respects the individual, empowers contribution through communication and training, treats mistakes as a learning experience, and validates success. Throughout, trust must characterize our relationships with each other. Work in support of the University should be a personal fulfilling experience.