security guidelines
Note: 大象传媒 will never send you an email asking you to verify personal information with your password or Social Security Number. Nor will they ask you to reset your account via e-mail link.
What you should do?
- Keep your antivirus and operating system up to date.
- Contact us if you receive a phishing e-mail. If you are not sure if an e-mail is legitimate, forward it to us and we will assist.
- Set a strong password (uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and/or special characters make a password stronger).
- Always do your best to protect your identity and all Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
- Use anti-virus software to protect your computer from viruses and other harmful programs (known as malware).
- Use pop-up blockers in your Web browser to help protect yourself from spyware (be sure to allow pop-ups from 大象传媒 Web pages since My大象传媒 and Canvas use them).
- Safe spyware software that you may want to use at no charge are:
What you should NOT do?
- Never give out personal information (Social Security number, birthday, driver's license number, any account number or password, etc.) to anyone who asks for it online, especially via e-mail. It is very easy for people to send an e-mail that appears to be from 大象传媒 OIT staff, a bank or other institution as a means of obtaining sensitive information. This kind of activity is called phishing.
- Do not click on links or any attachments in any suspicious e-mail.
- Never put your personal information, even your birthday, on any online site, such as Facebook or Twitter.
- Never make your password the word "password" or any other easily guessed words. These are the first keywords that a hacker will attempt to use.
- Never give your passwords to anyone or allow someone to log in to your account. You could be held accountable if someone else's malicious activity is linked to you.
- Never write your password and leave it in a place where someone will find it (such as taped to the bottom of your keyboard, computer, or monitor).