City of Margate Water Quality Reuse System

Team: Clarity Solutions

Client: City of Margate/PUMPS, Inc.

Clarity Solutions has developed a multi-phased plan in order to improve the water quality and meet the demands of the City of Margate. Our plan is to convert the existing rotating biological contactors into a gravity sand filtration system and to convert the two existing secondary clarifiers into equalization basins. We will also install a membrane bioreactor. A reuse system will be implemented post disinfection and we will store 0.5 MGD in an on-site storage tank. The water will be used for irrigation and will be sold to local public facilities and golf courses. Community Benefit: To meet the demands of the growing population, Clarity Solutions reuse system provides a reduction of nutrient and contaminant loads into oceans and rivers and will help reduce irrigation costs and create a revenue source for the city.

Team Members