
Robotic Arm with Visual Recognition

Robotic Arm with Visual Recognition


When producers and manufacturers distribute their products, they need more than a simple method that could possibly lead to mistakes. They need a user friendly, interactive system through which to double check the quality of their shipments. Furthermore, this system must not only be viable in terms of hardware performance, but it must also be compatible with other systems in terms of software performance. With a system like this, corporations and manufacturers would have a more efficient solution to distributing goods and establishing credibility to the relationship between producer and consumer. The goal of this project is to design a manually controlled robotic arm to locate and sort various items. This includes a user interface that receives inputs and displays information for the user and an HD camera system for identifying objects through shape and color. ​​

Community Benefit

The social impact of our project would allow the ever-expanding field of consumer electronics and products to flourish and grow while minimizing possible setbacks. By having a robot dictate the sorting process parts that will be later used for assembly, it allows the assembly process in turn to be more efficient and completed in less time. Furthermore, it reaffirms that trust that consumers would place in producers.

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