Medical Imaging
Topics Covered:
- Biomedical imaging modalities and underlying principles
- Image characteristics
- X-radiography, computerized tomography, radon transforms
- Image processing techniques
- Ultrasonic imaging
- Optical Imaging
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Special Topics
Introduction to Fourier Optics and Optical Signal Processing
Topics Covered:
- Two dimensional Fourier transform and sampling theory
- Wave optics
- Scalar diffraction theory
- Imaging properties of lenses
- Frequency analysis of optical imaging system
- Spatial filtering
- Microscopy
- Coherent and noncoherent imaging systems
TCOM: Waves, Fibers, Antennas
Topics Covered:
- Birefringerence
- Diffraction
- Refraction/Reflection
- Coherence
- Geometrical Optics
- Phase/Group Velocity
- Microscopy
- Coherent and noncoherent imaging systems
Optical Communications
Topics Covered:
- Optical distributed systems
- Optical components
- Lasers, LEDs
- Fiber optics
- Absorption, scattering, dispersion in fiber optics
- Detectors