MS Degree Requirements

Master's Program Thesis Option Degree Requirements

For candidiates to be awarded the degree of Master of Science with major in Ocean Engineering or the degree of Master of Science with major in Mechanical Engineering they must have:

  1. Complied with University graduate policies and regulations.
  2. Satisfied the University's graduate degree requirements.
  3. Satisfactorily completed the appropriate courses of study.
  4. One semester of EML 5937, Graduate Seminar (0 credits) with a grade of Satisfactory ("S")*;
  5. And for the thesis option, submitted and defended a thesis based on the student's original work in an area of specialization.

Nonthesis Option or Minor in Business Option Degree Requirements

The degree of Master of Science with major in Ocean Engineering (nonthesis option or minor in business option) or the degree of Master of Science with major in Mechanical Engineering (nonthesis option or minor in business option) will be awarded to the candidate who has completed requirements 1 to 3 above, and, at the time of application for degree, have submitted a portfolio to their advisor consisting of four graduate projects from courses in their program of study. The portfolio will be reviewed by the students supervisory committee.

*Change effective Fall 2019.