Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Course Syllabi
The following is a listing of course syllabi for courses in the Electrical Engineering undergraduate curriculum. Each syllabus provides guidelines for course content, but may be subject to limited modification by the individual instructor.
The following files are in pdf format.
- EEE 3300 Electronics 1
- EEE 4360C High Frequency Amplifiers
- EEE 4361 Electronics 2
- EEE 4434 Nanobiotechnology
- EEE 4510 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
- EEE 4541 Stochastic Processes and Random Signals
- EEL 2161 C for Engineers
- EEL 3012 Electrical Engineering Practice
- EEL 3111 Circuits 1
- EEL 3112 Circuits 2
- EEL 3118L Lab 1
- EEL 3470 Electromagnetic Field and Waves
- EEL 4119L Lab 2
- EEL 4216 Electric Power Systems
- EEL 4220 Electrical Machines
- EEL 4281 Photovoltaic Power Systems
- EEL 4421C RF Devices and Circuits
- EEL 4433C RF and Microwave Laboratory
- EEL 4436 Microwave Engineering
- EEL 4461 Introduction to Antenna Theory
- EEL 4478 Electromagnetic Compatibility
- EEL 4510 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
- EEL 4512 Communication Systems
- EEL 4512L Communication Systems Lab
- EEL 4652 Control Systems 1
- EEL 4652L Control Systems Lab
- EEL 4656 Analysis of Linear Systems
- EEL 4746 Introduction to Microcontrollers and Lab
- EEL 4930 Innovative Product Design
- EEL 4930 Renewable Energy Systems
- EEL 4930 Silicon IC Fabrication
- EGN 1002 Fundamentals of Engineering
- EGN 4410C Engineering Design I
- EGN 4411C Engineering Design II
- ETG 2831 Nature: Intersections of Science, Engineering and the Humanities