Undergraduate Computer Engineering and Computer Science Course Syllabi
The following is a listing of course syllabi for courses in the Computer Engineering and Computer Science undergraduate curriculum. Each syllabus provides guidelines for course content, but may be subject to limited modification by the individual instructor.
The following files are in pdf format.
- CAP 4028 Game Programming
- CAP 4034 Computer Animation
- CAP 4401 Digital Image Processing
- CAP 4630 Artificial Intelligence
- CAP 4770 Introdution Data Mining and Machine Intelligence
- CDA 3201C Introduction to Logic Design
- CDA 3331C Introduction to Microprocessor System
- CDA 4102 Structured Computer Architecture
- CDA 4204 CAD-Based Computer Design
- CDA 4210 Introduction to VLSI Design
- CDA 4630 Introduction to Embedded Systems
- CEN 4010 Principles of Software Engineering
- CEN 4214 Software Hardware Co-Design
- CEN 4400 Introduction to Computer Systems Performance Evaluation
- CGS 1570 Computer Applications 1
- CGS 1571 Computer Applications 2
- CNT 4104 Introduction to Data Communications
- CNT 4403 Introduction to Data and Network Security
- COP 2220 Introduction to Programming in C
- COP 3014 Foundations of Computer Science
- COP 3014L Foundation of Computer Science Lab
- COP 3530 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
- COP 3540 Introduction to Database Structures
- COP 3813 Introduction to Internet Computing
- COP 4020 Programming Languages
- COP 4045 Python Programming
- COP 4331 Object Oriented Design and Programming
- COP 4367 Graphical Application Development
- COP 4593 Component Programming with .NET
- COP 4610 Computer Operating Systems
- COP 4703 Applied Database Systems
- COP 4814 Web Services
- COP 4854 Cutting-Edge Web Technologies
- COT 4400 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- COT 4420 Formal Languages and Automata Theory
- COT 4930 Applied Cryptography
- COT 4930 Cryptographic Engineering
- COT 4930 Introduction to Security and Cryptography
- COT 4930 Randomized Algorithms
- COT 4935 Senior Seminar
- EGN 4410C Engineering Design I
- EGN 4411C Engineering Design II
- MAP 4260 Introduction to Queueing Theory
- STA 4821 Stochastic Models for Computer Science