Undergraduate Courses
- Introduction to C Programming
- Web-based Instrumentation and Control
- Picture Processing
- Introduction to Microcontrollers
- Microcontrollers Lab
- Introduction to Machine Vision
- Introduction to Image Processing
- Electronics
- Linear Systems
- Communication Systems
- Control Systems
- Controls Lab
- Stochastic Processing and Random Signals
- Intro to Network Programming with Java
- Intro to OOP with Java
- Electronics Lab I
- Electronics Lab II
- Senior Project II
- Engineering Design I
- Engineering Design II
Graduate Courses
- Robotic Applications
- Automatic Biometrics
- Compressive Sensing and Sparse Modeling
- Web Project Development
- Web Development for e-Commerce
- Emerging Communications Technologies
- Computer Vision
- Programming Microcontrollers in C
- Digital Image Processing
- Estimation Theory in DSP, Communications and Control
- Genetic Algorithms
- Robotic Systems
- Modern Control Theory
- Optimal Control
- Optimal Estimation