
Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Gorday, P., N. Erd枚l, H. Zhuang, "Deep Learning Approach to Constant Envelope Waveform Coding," 2020 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), to appear.
  2. Gorday, P., N. Erd枚l, H. Zhuang, 鈥淟MS to Deep Learning: How DSP Analysis Adds Depth to Learning鈥. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp 7765-7769, 2019
  3. Roth, Z., H. Zhuang, V. Ungvichian, and A. Zilouchian, 鈥淚ntegrating Design into the Entire Electrical Engineering Four Year Experience,鈥 ASEE 2019 Conference, Tampa, FL, paper ID #6911, 2019.
  4. Gorday, P., N. Erdol and H. Zhuang, 鈥淔lexible FSK Learning Demodulator,鈥 2018 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), Dec. 2018.
  5. Wang, J. L., A. Y. Li, M. Huang, A. K. Ibrahim, H. Zhuang and A. Muhamed Ali, and 鈥淐lassification of White Blood Cells with PatternNet-fused Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks (PECNN),鈥澨 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Dec. 2018.听听
  6. Ibrahim, A. K., H. Zhuang, N. Erdol, and A. Muhamed Ali, 鈥淓EG Seizure Detection with Low Ranked Shared Dictionary Learning and Slantlet Transform,鈥澨 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Dec. 2018.听
  7. Muhamed Ali, A., A. K. Ibrahim, H. Zhuang, and J. L. Wang, 鈥淧reliminary Results of Forecasting of the Loop Current System in Gulf of Mexico Using Robust Principal Component Analysis,鈥 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Dec. 2018.听听
  8. Wang, J. L., A. K. Ibrahim, H. Zhuang, A. Muhamed Ali, A. Y. Li and A. Wu, 鈥淎 Study on Automatic Detection of IDC Breast Cancer with Convolutional Neural Networks,鈥 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Dec.2018.
  9. Ibrahim, A. K., H. Zhuang, N. Erdol, and A. Muhamed Ali, 鈥淒etection of North Atlantic Right Whales with a Hybrid System of CNN and Dictionary Learning,鈥 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Dec. 2018.
  10. 10.听 Ibrahim, A. K., H. Zhuang, N. Erdol, and A. Muhamed Ali, 鈥淔eature Extraction Methods for the Detection of North Atlantic Right Whale Up-calls,鈥 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Dec. 2018.
  11. 11.听 Ibrahim, A. K., H. Zhuang, and N. Erdol, 鈥淓EG Seizure Detection by Integrating Slantlet Transformation with Sparse Coding,鈥 EUSIPCO, Greece, Sept 2017.
  12. 12.听 Ibrahim, A. K., H. Zhuang, and N. Erdol, 鈥淎 New Approach for Detection of NARWs,鈥 IEEE IS3C (Best Paper), Xi鈥檃n China, July 2016.
  13. 13.听 Zhuang, H., Z.S. Roth, O. Masory, and N. Erdol, 鈥淎ssistive Technology in Capstone Engineering Design,鈥 IEEE IS3C , Xi鈥檃n China, July 2016.
  14. 14.听 Esfahanian M., Zhuang H., and Erdol N., 鈥淐omparison of Two Methods for Detection of North Atlantic Right Whale Upcalls,鈥 EUSIPCO 2015, Nice, France, July 2015.
  15. Esfahanian M., Zhuang H., and Erdol N., 鈥淎pplication of Gabor Wavelets and Sparse Representation for classification of dolphin whistles,鈥 IEEE ICASSP 2014 ,听Florence, Italy, May 2014.
  16. Esfahanian M., Zhuang H., and Erdol N.,听Sparse Representation Classification of Dolphin Calls Using Local Binary Patterns,听166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 134(5), San Francisco, California, December 2013.听
  17. Zhuang, H., O. Masory, and Z.S. Roth, 鈥淩esult-oriented engineering capstone designs to aid persons with disabilities,鈥 Presented at ASEE 2013 Conference, Paper ID #8226, Atlanta, GA, June 23-26, 2013.听
  18. Esfahanian, M., H. Zhuang, and N. Erdol, 鈥淐lassification of dolphin whistle types using an eigen-whistle algorithm,鈥 5th Int. DCL Workshop, Mt Hood, OR, 2011.
  19. Morales, G., H. Zhuang, and M. Pavlovic, 鈥淎n N-Node Myelinated Axon Model: A System Identification Approach,鈥 the 5th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf. on Neural Engineering, 2011, Cancun, Mexico.
  20. Bai, Y., H. Zhuang and D. Wang, "Applying fuggy interpolation method to calibrate parallel machine tools,鈥 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, July 5-8, 2009, pp. 1183-1188.
  21. Bai, Y., H. Zhuang and D. Wang, "Calibration of parallel machine tools using fuzzy interpolation method", 2008 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, November 10 - 11, 2008, pp. 56-61.
  22. Wang, X., D. Wang, H. Zhuang, and S. Morgera, 鈥淔air energy-efficient resource allocation over fading TDMA channels,鈥 Proc. of Globecom Conf., Honolulu, HI, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2009.
  23. Li, I., X. Wang, H. Zhuang, and S. Morgera, 鈥淚ntegrating retransmission diversity with real-time scheduling over wireless kinks,鈥 Proc. of 43rd Conf. on Info. Sciences and Systems,Johns Hopkins University, MD, March 18-20, 2009.
  24. Wang, X., D. Wang, I. Li, H. Zhuang, and S. Morgera, 鈥淚ncorporating retransmission diversity in quality-of-service guaranteed multi-user scheduling,鈥 Proc. of 42nd Conf. on Info. Sciences and Systems,Princeton University, NJ, March 19-21, 2008.
  25. Huang, L., H. Zhuang, and S. Morgera, 鈥淎udio-visual based person recognition with fusion at feature level,鈥 CD Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence & Pattern Recognition, Orlando, Florida, Summer, 2007.
  26. Guan, X. and H. Zhuang, 鈥淎pplication of illumination compensation for face recognition,鈥 CD Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence & Pattern Recognition, Orlando, Florida, Summer, 2007.
  27. Zhuang, H, T. Theerawong, X. Guan, S. Morgera, and A. Pandya, 鈥淎 Method for Creating 3D Face from a 2D Face Image,鈥 Int. Conf. Biometrics, Montreal, Canada, Summer, 2006.
  28. Zhuang, H. and S. Wongsoontorn, 鈥淒esign and tuning of fuzzy control surfaces with Bezier functions鈥, CD Proc. IEEE SMC 2005, Hawaiian, 2005.
  29. Zhuang, H. and S. Wongsoontorn, 鈥淎 fuzzy-logic based trust model and its optimization for e-commerce鈥, CD Proc. IEEE SMC 2005, Hawaiian, 2005.
  30. 听Meng, Y. and H. Zhuang, 鈥淩eliable solution for object pose determination using an active vision system,鈥 CD Proc. ICAR, Seattle, 2005.
  31. Bai, Y. and H. Zhuang, 鈥淥n the comparison of model-based and modeless robotic calibration based on the fuzzy interpolation technique,鈥 CD Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing, December 2004.
  32. Huang, L., H. Zhuang, and S. Morgera, 鈥淢ulti-resolution pyramidal Gabor-EigenFace algorithm for face recognition,鈥 CD Proc. Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, December 2004.
  33. Bai, Y. and H. Zhuang, 鈥淢odeless robots calibration in 3D workspace with an on-line fuzzy interpolation technique,鈥 CD proceedings of SMC, 2004.
  34. 听Zhuang, H. and S. Morgera, "Development of a course for Internet-based instrumentation and control,鈥 CD proceedings of LACCEI, 2004.
  35. Zhuang, H. and S. Morgera, "An undergraduate course - Internet-based instrumentation and control,鈥 CD proceedings of Frontier in Education, October 2004.
  36. Zhuang, H. and S. Morgera, "Development of a web-based instrumentation and control lab," CD proceedings of ASEE 2003.
  37. Zhuang, H. and R. Sudhakar, "An undergraduate course for machine vision," CD proceedings of ASEE 2003.
  38. Bai, Y., H. Zhuang and Z.S. Roth, 鈥淓xperiment study of PUMA robot calibration using a laser tracking system鈥, Proceedings Of 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, June 23-25, 2003, pp. 139-144.
  39. Zhuang, H. and Y. Meng, 鈥淯sing a scale: self-calibration of a robot system with factor method,鈥 proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Seoul, South Korea, 2001, pp. 2797-2803.
  40. Zhuang, H. and X. Wu, 鈥淢embership function modification of Fuzzy Logic Controllers with histogram equalization,鈥 proceedings of IEEE WAC, Maui, Hawaii, 2000.
  41. Zhuang, H., Motaghedi, H., S., and Z. S. Roth, 鈥淩obot calibration with planar constraints,鈥 proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Detroit, MI,1999, pp. 805-810.
  42. Zhuang, H., and L. Liu, 鈥淒etermination of independent parameters in self-calibration of parallel mechanisms,鈥 proc. Manufacturing Engineering Division, ASME World Congress and Exhibits, 1998.
  43. Zhuang, H., L. Liu and O. Masory, 鈥淎utonomous calibration of hexapod machine tools,鈥 proc. Manufacturing Engineering Division, ASME World Congress and Exhibits, Nov. 1997, pp. 443-449.
  44. Zhuang, H., 鈥淗and/eye calibration for electronic assembly robots鈥,听 proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Albeuquerque, NM, 1997.
  45. Zhuang, H. and A. Melchinger, 鈥淐alibration of a hand/eye matrix and a connection matrix using relative pose measurements鈥, proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Albeuquerque, NM, 1997.
  46. Zhuang, H. and Y. Wang, 鈥淎 coordinate measuring system with parallel mechanisms鈥, proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Albeuquerque, NM, 1997.
  47. Zhuang, H. R. Sudhakar and Z.S. Roth, 鈥淎 new method for pose fitting from two 3D point sets and its application to robot localization,鈥 proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Minneapolis, April 1996, pp. 655-660.
  48. Zhuang, H. and L. Liu, 鈥淪elf-calibration of a class of parallel manipulators,鈥 proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Minneapolis, April 1996, pp.994-999.
  49. Zhuang, H. J., Wu and W. Huang, 鈥淥ptimal planning of robot calibration experiment using Genetic algorithm,鈥 proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Minneapolis, April 1996, pp. 981-986.
  50. Wu, J. and H. Zhuang, 鈥淎 Petri-Net-Based Collision and Deadlock Avoidance Scheme for FMS,鈥 proc. INRIA/IEEE Smp. Emerging Technologies and Factory Automations, Vol. 2, 1995, pp. 511-520.
  51. Zhuang, H., W. Wu, and Z. S. Roth, "Camera-assisted SCARA arm calibration,鈥 proc. IEEE/RSJ IROS, 1995, Vol. I pp. 507-512.
  52. Zhuang, H. J. Yan, and O. Masory, "Stewart platform calibration with poses measured by a single theodolite,鈥 proc. IEEE/RSJ IROS, 1995,听 Vol. II, pp. 329-335.
  53. Zhuang, H. and Z. S. Roth, "A tutorial on robot calibration using hand-mounted cameras,鈥 presented at ISRAM, Hawaii, Sept. 1994; also in Robotics and Manufacturing, Vol. 5, ed. M. Jamshidi, C. Nguyen, R. Lumia, and J. Yuh, pp. 743-749.
  54. Zhuang, H. and Z. S. Roth, "Differential relationships in the modeling and control of a single-beam tracking measurement system,鈥 presented at ISRAM, Hawaii, Sept. 1994.
  55. Zhuang, H. "A self-calibration approach to extrinsic parameter estimation of stereo cameras,鈥 proc. IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, San Diego, May 1994, pp. 3428-3433.
  56. Zhuang and Z. S. Roth, "Modeling gimbal axis misalignments and听 mirror center offset in a single-beam laser tracking measurement system,鈥 proc. IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, San Diego, May 1994, pp. 3416-3421.
  57. Zhuang, H., L. Wang, and Z. S. Roth, "Optimal selection of measurement configurations for robot calibration using simulated annealing,鈥 proc. IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, San Diego, May 1994, pp. 393-398.
  58. Zhuang, H., L. Wang, and Z. S. Roth, "Simultaneous calibration of a robot and a hand-mounted camera,鈥 Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Atlanta, GA, May 1993, Vol. 2, pp. 149-154.
  59. Masory, O., J. Wang, and H. Zhuang, "On the accuracy of a Stewart platform - part II: kinematic calibration and compensation,鈥 Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. R&A, Atlanta, GA, May 1993, Vol. 1, pp. 175-180.
  60. Zhuang, H., K. Wang, and Z. S. Roth, 鈥淩obot calibration using a modified Denavit-Hartenberg model, ASME Press Series,听 鈥淩obotics and manufacturing听听听听听听听听 -- recent trends in research, education and听 Aplications,鈥 Vol. 4, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Robotics & Manufacturing (ISRAM 鈥92), Nov. 1992, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 33-36.
  61. Zhuang, H., Z. S. Roth, X. Xu, and K. Wang, 鈥淎 simplified RAC-based camera calibration algorithm and related implementation issues,鈥 ASME Press Series,听 鈥Robotics and manufacturing -- recent trends in research, education and applications,鈥 Vol. 4, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Robotics & Manufacturing, (ISRAM鈥92), Nov. 1992, Santa Fe, NM, pp. 97-102.
  62. Zhuang, H., Z. S. Roth, and R. Sudhakar, "Simultaneous calibration of robot/world and eye/hand transformations,鈥 Proc. Intell. Robot. Syst., Raleigh, NC, July 1992, pp. 1063-1070.
  63. Zhuang, H. and Y. Shiu, "A noise-insensitive algorithm for robot wrist-mounted sensor calibration with or without sensor orientation measurement," Proc. Intell. Robot. Syst., Raleigh, NC, July 1992, pp. 1095-1100.
  64. Zhuang, H. and Y. Shiu, "An iterative algorithm for robot wrist-mounted sensor calibration with or without external orientation measurement," Proc. American Control Conference, Chicago, IL, June 1992, pp. 2479-2483.
  65. Zhuang, H., Z. S. Roth, and K. Wang, "Robot calibration by mobile camera system," Proc. ASME Winter Annual Meeting for an invited session on Image Processing Application in Process Automation, 1991 DSC-Vol. 30, pp. 65-62.
  66. Zhuang, H. and Z. S. Roth, "Kinematic calibration of Stewart platforms,"听 Proc. ASME Winter Annual Meeting for an invited session on Robot Calibration, 1991, DSC-Vol. 29, pp. 43-48.
  67. Zhuang, H. and Z. S. Roth, "A closed-form solution to kinematic parameter identification for robot manipulators," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics & Automation, Sacramento, CA, April 1991, pp. 2682-2689.听
  68. Zhuang, H. and Z. S. Roth, "Fusion algorithms for rotation matrices," Proc. American Control Conf., Boston, MA, June 1991, pp. 2064-2065.
  69. Zhuang, H., B. Li, Z. S. Roth and F. Hamano, "Self-calibration of a laser tracking coordinate measuring machine," in Robotics and Manufacturing, Recent Trends in Research, Education, and Applications, Vol 3, 1990, edited by M. Jamshidi and M. Saif pp. 197-203.听 Also presented at 3rd Int. Symp. Robotics & Manufacturing, Burnaby, Canada, July 1990.
  70. Zhuang, H., Z. S. Roth and F. Hamano, "A complete and parametrically continuous kinematic model," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics & Automation, Cincinnati, OH, May 1990, pp. 92-98.听
  71. Zhuang, H., Z. S. Roth and F. Hamano, "Observability issues in kinematic error parameter identification of manipulators," Proc. American Control Conf., San Diego, CA, May 1990, pp. 2287-2293.
  72. Zhuang H., F. Hamano and Z. S. Roth, "Optimal design of robotic accuracy compensators", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics & Automation, Arizona, May 1989, pp.751-756.听听
  73. Zhuang H., F. Hamano and Z. S. Roth, "The optimal solution to neighboring inverse kinematics", Proc. 27th IEEE Conf. Control & Decision, Texas, Dec. 1988, pp.2284-2285.

Recent Non-refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. Zhuang, H., S. H. Motaghedi, and Z.S. Roth, "Self-calibration of Machines using Multiple Planar Constraints,鈥 Proc. Recent Advances in Robotics, May 2000.
  2. Hanqi Zhuang, S. H. Motaghedi, and Zvi S. Roth, "Self-calibration of Machines using Multiple Planar Constraints", Proc. Recent Advances in Robotics, May 2000.
  3. Hanqi Zhuang and Yang Meng, "Camera-aided robot self-calibration" to Proc. Recent Advances in Robotics, May 2000.
  4. Hanqi Zhuang and R. Sudhakar, "An innovative approach to teach UG machine vision classes", Proc. Recent Advances in Robotics, May 2000.

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