Undergraduate Courses
- STA 4821 Stochastic models for CS
- COT 4935 Senior Seminar
- EEL 3111 Circuit 1
- EEL 4512 Communication Systems
- EEL 2161 C for Engineers
- EEL 4510 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
- EEL 4541 Probability and Random Processes
- EEL 4656 Analysis of Linear Systems
- EEL 4914 Engineering Design
- EEL 4930 Introduction to Wireless Communications
Graduate Courses
- EEL 6532 Information Theory
- EEL 6563 Fiber Optic Communications
- EEL 5500 Digital Communications
- EEL 6537 Detection Theory
- EEL 6597 Wireless Personal Communications
- EEL 6905 Directed Independent Study