MS in Biomedical Engineering
Degree Requirements
Prospective students should consult the university catalog with respect to prerequisite requirements, admission requirements, admission to candidacy requirements and deficiency requirements. The Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (MSBioMedE) degree is awarded to students who:
- Meet all University general degree requirements (see the university catalog).
- Satisfy the specific degree requirements of the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
- MS Worksheet (pdf)
MSBioMedE Thesis Option (30 credits)
- Requires six credits of orally defended thesis. The MS committee is chaired by the student's thesis advisor. The chair of the committee must be a graduate faculty member from any department within the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
- Requires 24 credits of approved course work of which twelve credits are program core courses and the remaining 12 credits are approved elective courses listed in MS worksheet.
- Every thesis student must take CGS 5937/Graduate Seminar/ A seminar series with distinguished speakers. Students must attend at least five seminar presentations. (Grading: S/U, 0 credits.)
Note: A maximum of 3 credits of directed independent study may be applied toward the master's degree.
MSBioMedE Non-Thesis Option (30 credits)
- Requires 30 credits of approved course work of which 12 credits are program core courses and the remaining 18 credits are approved elective courses listed in MS worksheet.
- Every non-thesis student must take CGS 5937/Graduate Seminar/ A seminar series with distinguished speakers. Students must attend at least five seminar presentations. (Grading: S/U, 0 credits.)
Note: A maximum of 3 credits of directed independent study may be applied toward the master's degree.
Submission of Plan of Study
Graduate students are required to submit a Plan of Study when they have completed between 9 and 15 credits of coursework with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. A student may not register for thesis credits prior to submitting a Plan of Study.
Program Core Courses (12 Credits, 4 courses out of 8*)
- BME 5313 Biomedical engineering Cell Biology and Physiology (3)
- CAP 5768 Introduction to Data Science or STA 5195, Introduction to Biostatistics
- BME 5052L Biomedical Engineering Lab (3) or Microfabrication LAB
- BME 5537 Bioimaging (3)
- BME 6105 Biomaterials (3)
- BME 5937 Bio-signal Processing (3)
- BME 5742 Biosystems Modeling and Control (3)
- BME 6858 BioMEMS (3)
*: *: All these courses are part of technical elective group A as well. If four courses are taken as the core, the other four can be taken as technical electives. Please refer to worksheet for technical elective courses.