ࡱ> AD@ 1bjbj 4.:44wwwww8,$0(;"]]]L4&prrrrrrXrwBLLBBrww]]B^w]w]pBp]ಹ"\0.w|BBBBBBBrrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB4 =: Standard Operating Procedure Location: __________ Principal Investigator: __________________________ Date: ______________ Section 1. Hazardous Chemical Ethidium Bromide Section 2. Describe Hazardous Chemical Ethidium bromide is an intercalating agent commonly used as a non-radioactive DNA stain to identify and visualize nucleic acid bands in electrophoresis and perform other methods of nucleic acid separation. Solutions of ethidium bromide fluoresce with a reddish-brown or orange color when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Section 3. Potential Hazards Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through skin. May be fatal if inhaled. Causes irritation to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Will readily stain skin purple on contact. May cause heritable genetic damage. Section 4. Personal Protective Equipment When working with ethidium bromide, use chemical safety glasses or chemical splash goggles and butyl or neoprene gloves. Use proper glove removal technique to avoid skin contact with this product. Thoroughly wash and dry hands after use. Dispose contaminated gloves as hazardous waste. Must have proper exhaust ventilation in room or use a fume hood. Avoid dust formation. Section 5. Engineering Controls When possible, dispense chemical under a fume hood. The room where the chemical is being used should be equipped with proper exhaust ventilation to keep the airborne concentration below the allowable exposure limit. Eye wash station and a safety shower must be accessible within a 10-second travel time and not require passage through more than one door. Section 6. Special Handling and Storage Requirements Store in a cool, dry, ventilated area with other compatible substances. Keep away from flammable vapors and oxidizers. Avoid dust formation and control ignition sources. Empty containers should be placed in satellite accumulation area for disposal by EH&S. Section 7. Spill and Accident Procedures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Get medical attention immediately. Ingestion: INDUCE VOMITTING. Give large quantities of water or milk. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. Poison Control number: 1-800-222-1222 Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes while removing any contaminated clothing. Get medical attention immediately. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Small Spills (One liter or less when in solution): Ventilate the area and use proper personal protective equipment. Use an ultraviolet light to locate the material. Absorb the material with an inert absorbent such as vermiculite or sand and place in a suitable container, label hazardous waste, include the constituents and notify EH&S for pickup. Large Spills (More than a liter): Notify those affected by the spill and turn off all ignition sources. Evacuate the area and call EH&S at 561-297-3129 or the campus police at 561-297-3500. Restrict people from entering the affected area until cleanup is completed. Section 8. Decontamination Procedures To decontaminate, wipe areas with a solution of 4.2g of sodium nitrate and 20mL of hypophosphorous acid (50%) in 300mL of water. Wash five times with wet paper towels, using a fresh paper towel each time. Soak all the towels in the decontamination solution for one hour. Using a U-V light, check for completeness of decontamination, and if satisfied, contact EH&S to dispose of the decontamination solution. The solution must be prepared just prior to use. Section 9. Waste Disposal Procedures Place waste in an appropriate and compatible container. Container must be closed and labeled with the words hazardous waste and the main constituents. Container must be closed and labeled with the words hazardous waste and the main constituents. Place waste in the waste collection area and call EH&S at 561-297-3129. Section 10. Material Safety Data Sheet Locations Material Safety Data Sheets are kept in a binder labeled MSDS in room ____ or may be found on the web at either HYPERLINK "http://www.siri.org"www.siri.org or HYPERLINK "C:\\Users\\tbradley\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.Outlook\\10YWNDQ4\\www.fau.edu\\ehs"www.fau.edu/ehs Section 11. Principal Investigator/Lab Manager Approval: Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________________________     PAGE  PAGE 1 Ethidium Bromide SOP   ! 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